Sunday, October 29, 2006


At least one of the former Uganda head of states Al-haji Idi Amin Dada Alemi threatened legal action against the new movie the last king of of scotland. my younger brother, Taban Amin told the {london} Telegraph the movie defames the family name. it is wrong to show him like that, Taban Amin said in a telephone interview from his home in Uganda. it degrades our father and it abuses the reputation of former head of state of the republic of Uganda. we will be taking action against those behind this. to add on few words I wrote before that, some few opponents of dady who are sposoring this, even I wrote in my correspondence blogger, for people not to buy those publish false books, dvd, video tapes about mzee baaba in Ebay shop mall. the sponsor of all this are the expelled Asians from Uganda by dady. they are behind all this dirty play game. there we all the family suport the suit to go ahead plus civilised Ugandans all over the globes are behind us. I & my wife, Mrs. Mariam Majid alemi,& Family sends A special IDD greetings to all family members, and properious new year 2006/2007. our home page: websites: from Mr.& Mrs. Mariam Majid Alemi, and Family in vancouver western canada. E mail me at. peac,love, unity. Bravo.


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