Friday, January 18, 2008


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The Chronological Political History of Lado Kingdom " KAARI " in Africa .

Since 3000 B C ---- Following a war which started as a Spartacus - like rebellion from 1090 b.c to 700 b. c when LADO became Independent from Egypt .

From 700 B.C ------ Lado people struggled for their Independence from Egyptian Pharaonic Reign over them in the period of the last fall of Pharao ' s intensified by the Power struggle between the Egyptian High Priests and the Pharao couple - Tut - Ank - Amon and Queen Neferite .

Around 749 BC ------ The Sudanics left Egypt - as their predecessors the Jews had done under Moses around 11 -1200 BC , Led by their war hero, General Laro, the Sudanics moved Southwards and finaly decided to settle around the foot of the Mountain which they named " LADO "

687 B. C ---------------. The Lado people moved on and last and definate to settle on the foot hills of the mountain which they named Mt Lado lying in the Sudan Central Africa with the southern tip end territory extending up to Lake Ombizako , name in Lui - Gbari language of Lado , " today called by the British " ( Lake Albert ) in Central Africa .

640 AD -- 1270 ------- Ethiopia under Rule of Lado for 7 centuries . One of such Great Ruler was from 9th May 864 A . D , has had its Rulers through the Heroes like Ancestor ( Negus ) of Ethiopia by then , Sambala Naiga , who on His part of the tract after the Political upheavels left to be exact , Lake Tana where his home place was at that time , moved lastly to Lado . ( c. f : History Research on Origines of Lado People in Africa ) .

847 AD ----------------- A modern Nation State .- Kingdom of Lado was established in and to replace the then Ancient Lado which was founded already in 700 BC..

13th and 14th Centuaries ------ was the period of Re - organisation of the Region ( Central Africa ) based on theTribal Philosophy in order to ensure a proper care and a better Social Services to the People . The 29 Tribes of Lado Re -- organised and existing till todate with their Affiliation to the State Kingdom of Lado .

1452 --------------------- In the period of Papacy , Pope Pius II , aimed to create a Vicariate in the Sudan Central Africa ..

1711 --------------------- Real direct contact between Lado with the Western European World started when Catholic Mission was founded in Ladoland by the Franciscan Fathers , from Austria , during the Papacy of Pope Clement XI ( cf : by Pope Pius II , 1452 )

9th May 1772 ----------------- THE Lado Constitution was passed on 9 May 1772, after the 60-year War (and specifically with Arabs of the Slave Trade ) and gave Executive Powers to the Agofe / King, which is the Institution of the Government. Lado was Assisted by the Jesuits who travelled from their Valleta house in Malta .

1821 --------------- The Turco - Egyptian occupation , as it was later called , was to plunder of the black lands South Sahara deserts ( Sudan ) Lado occupied .

13th February 1841 - 1st April 1864 -------- Turco - Egyptian Firman of 13 February 1841, and the Turco - Egyptian Firman of 1st April 1869 for the occupation of Lado which took place on 26th May 1871 to Convert Lado in a Western so called Modern State in Central Africa .

Half of 19th centuary ( 1850 ) ---- The History of Lado took place among its ethnic groups . Re - organisation levels

1867 ---------------------- The Jesuits remained in Lado until 1867 by which time they were replaced by the still present Verona Fathers from Italy .

26 May 1871 ----- ----- Ottoman - Empire ( todays reduced to Turkey ) extended control of Lado under the Nominated a British National who was serving in the Ottoman Military Service by name Sir Samuel White Baker . He became the First Governor General to Lado to serve the Ottoman Interests - ( Lado Occupied ) .

3rd August 1875 ------- Can be remembered as the beginning date , as the European States divided the African Continent amongst them , ( the Paris Resolution ) and again on 26 February 1885 (the Berlin Treaty) where they took African Freedom and Liberty and imposed their Religion and their Values on the African Peoples .

.1876 -- 1878 ---------- : United States undertook to occupy Lado ---- Colonel Henry .G . Prost and Colonel Alexandra . A Manson 1876 - 1878 actively participated in the administration of Lado and all failed to control Equatoria - Lado Nation occupied for U . S . A .

1879 ---------------------- Belgium and Lado entered into War

1881 ----------------------- The Arab descedent Religious Force known as ( revolt of the Mahdi in the Sudan State ) made loose to Egypt the control of Lado . King Leopoldo of Belgium ordered Belgian Troops to Occupy Lado .

25th February 1885 ----- Implication of Berlin Conferene for the Partition of Africa . Lado falls a Victim of Colonial pretext .( c,f : Article 6 in the Berlin Treaty ) .

7th March 1887 --------- Assasination of the Royal - Agofe / King , Ayingani .

1889 ----------------------- War ended up between Belgium and Lado which lasted for the 10 ( Ten ) years .

17th September 1891 ( Kavali Agreement ) ----- A British Imperial Army ( King's African Rifles ) was established in 1891 under the Kavalli Agreement of 17 September 1891. The Agreement was signed by the English Captain Frederick D. Lugard who later became the Governor- General of Nigeria and , a Citizen of Lado Major Selim Matera signed for Lado

It was him Governor - .General. Lugard who developed the British Colonial Doctrine called The Dual Mandate ( Indirect Rule ), which is still in force through the Commonwealth Pyramid Divide-and-Rule System with the Queen / King on top, and under the Sovereign Head are the British

28th September 1892 -- Peace Agreement reached between Lado and Belgium . Leuftnant Milz took over from his Commadant Van Kerckhoven who died before arrival to Wadelai Signed it for Belgium . On the part of Lado was Signed by Commandant Fadh El Mula Aga ( A Lugbari tribe of Lado ) .This Convention Treaty came to be known Belgium - Lugbari Agreement for Cooperation Between Lado and Belgium .Belgium Recognised the Crown Sovereignty of Lado .

29th September1892 ---- Lado allowed Belgium Flag to be hoisted at Wadelai , which was the Capital of Lado by tnen .

12 of May and 14 of August of 1894 --- Agreement signed between Britain and Belgium recognizing the temporary possession to King Lepeoldo Lado territory called formally Side Enclave , which was separated from the Province of Bahr el Ghazal of Sudan State

1898 Mutiny of the Uganda Soldiers ( Army ) in Uganda ------. Predominantly being the Sudanic people of Lado in the Army , They Mutined Against the British Orders which was to send them to fight their own Brothers in North Lado in the Sudan State who already were fighting against the British Soldiers ( Army ) there . The Commandant Effendi Bilal Amin ( The Grand Father of Idi Amin who later became President of Uganda in 1971 ) and his Officers were arrested and all Killed . The Indian - Asian Soldires were brought in from India to do the massacares .

1899 -------------------- France disengaged herself from the problems of Lado thruogh the Cairo treaty of 21 March 1899 , between Britain and France which was concurrently signed in Cairo ( Egypt ) and in London ( Britain ) by the French Ambassador Paul Gabon and the British Lord Salsbury .

December 1899 -------------------- The Treaty of Arua - Aru between Lugbara ( Lado ) and Russia
( USSR ) in December 1899 ( For friendly Cooperation ) During Nicholas II .

9th May 1906 ------- Several Agreements were reached between the Europeans to modifiy and to delimit the sphere of influence of the Europeans over Lado .

End of Year 1907----- All European countries Inculding( Russia ) signed Agreements to re - affirm their cooperation with Britain not to come to assistance when Britain goes to War with Lado .

1908 ------------------- King Leopoldo made as a donation the Congo Free State to Belgium, thus becoming a Colony ( The Belgian Congo ) . leaving Lado aside .

1909 -------------------- King Leopoldo II died and the unclear illegal adopted term of Renting Territory Side to the King up to 1910 seized to exist thus reverting Lado to Britain . Britain in her treacherous acts to destroy Lado decided on her own with War Campaigns against any of the Western powers who dared to enter into Lado Affairs , partitioned then , most of the Territory Lado Land ( Lado Enclave ) , incorporting it into the State of Sudan , except for a portion of the South , which is ceded to Uganda. 1910 - 1914 ---- Lado removed from World Map / Atlases by the British Authority .

1909 --------------------- Treaty of Dufile ( dufule ) between Lado and U S A ( For Cooperation ) . During the period of President . Theodore Roosevelt ( New York ) .

1914 - 1919 ------------ Britain and Lado entered into a military war battle which lasted for 5 years . In the war account , Princess Driciru was only Six Months old when she was killed by the British Army during this Lugbari (Lado - British) War of 1914-1919. She was buried alive in 1916 by the British Army. ( The British Army was defeated here in 1916 in the Battle of Erea at the foot of Mount Iti ) . The British still have never forgotten this Battle as an Issue to Hate Lado and to see that Lado does not exist any more for the World people to know this History event .

That is why She ( Britain ) is using all the Political , Diplomatic wars and now including Military War using her Satellite Africans Countries ( Commonwealth Countries in Africa ) to Hide and Destroy the People of Lado and the Land Kingdom Lado . The State of Uganda , DR Congo , Kenya , and the State of Sudan as Neighbouring to Lado are Spearheading the Military Operations right deep in Lado now . All this is to be done before 2011 and Lado to take a New name as The Black Christian Southern Sudan State . The 29 Tribes of Lado have to Disappear and be replaced by the Tribes of the Black Sudanese in the Sudan State , the Black Tribes from Uganda , Kenya and DR Congo and then to add the other Black Communities from the other parts of Africa and the World or may be brought in Refugee Settlements from other parts of the World . This is the British Plan being Supported Highly by U S A . It is the Road Map they are talking of as the creation of a New State " Southern Sudan " in Central Africa - Sudan which is actually Lado .

1920 ------------------- A Peace Agreement ( Truce ) was reached upon to end war between Britain and Lado ( Lado and Britain Signed ).. A Senior Police High Commissioner in South Africa Mr E.Weatherhead signed on behalf of the British Crown and hence was appointed to represent the British Crown to Lado .

24 July 1923. 1923 , Lausane Agreement ----------------- Ottoman Empire was dissolved by the Treaty of Lausanne of 24 July 1923. According to the Lausanne Treaty, the Ottoman Empire, which had now become the Republic of Turkey in 1923, had to relinquish all the Territories under the then Ottoman Empire. This included Egypt and LADO ( Equatoria Province of Egypt ), and meant that the Occupied Territories were and still remain Political Entities ( Nation States ) . That means that LADO should have been an Independent and Sovereign Nation State in 1923.

1926 -- 1934 --------- Atrocities in Lado under the British Governor - General, Sir John Maffey,

1927 ------------------ Her Majesty Queen Aliojeku was assassinated by the British in 1927 under the British Governor-General John Maffey ( former High Commissioner of North-West India, to-day Kashmir) .

1931 -- 1936 ---------- Tension between British occupant and Lado where war broke out into the Kakua - kajo - keji war . The United States ( U . S . A ) intervention by President Franklin D Roosevelt to end the war .

1940 ------------------- Agofe / King , His Majesty Lemiro's Reign culminated with his Assasination .

1945 - The Pan Africanism Association Formed ------ Agofe / King Atabua of Lado became the Chairman of African Chiefs / Heads in the Conference which was held in Manchester in 1945 , and Kwame Nkrumah (His first name was Francis) became the secretary and Jomo Kenyatta (His real name was Johnston Kamau) he became assistant secretary. But the Agofe / King will be Assassinated because He asked USSR to raise the question of Lado at the UN in 1947 .

26 January 1846 ----- H.H. Pope Gregory XVI signed a Document making the Upper Nile Valley, Lado, 'The Vicariate of Central Africa .

1947 ----- King Atabua resigned as Commandant of King African Rifles ( He was later replaced by a British Officer by name Colonel Alan Knight ) to carry out the Independence of Lado in 1947.

1947 ----- The Question of the Colonisation of Lado was raised in the United Nations Organisation ( UNO ) - Trusteeship Council which the British wished to discuss with Uganda by the USSR . The citizens of Lado asked for freedom

14 April 1948 -------------------- Agofe / King , His Majesty Anacleto Atobua, was shot dead to prevent Him from presenting the Lado Issue at the UN General Assembly Meeting in New York, USA . Britain does everything to keep Lado as Her Possession . Military Experence of His Majesty Anacleto Atabua is as follows : In World War II , King Atobua of Lado , who was assassinated on 14 April 1948 by the British Colonial Agents on British Orders . Agofe / King Atabua commanded King Afican Regiments ( KAR ) under Admiral Lord Louis Francis Mountbatten in Burma . Admiral of Fleet, Lord Mountbatten was the Supreme Allied Commander in South-East Asia 1943 - 1946 .

The assasination death of the Agofe / King re - opened war again with Britain . The British conservative Government under the Wise Old Man Prime Minister Winston .S .Churchhill in 1951 stopped the war . The Governor for Lado affairs by then was Major General Sir John Hall .

1952 --------------------- Lado Envoy Extraordinary Atamva John Bart Agami who today is the present AGOFE / KING of Lado was sent with assistance of Egypt - President Colonel Abdel Nasser to USSR to meet the Secretary General Marshal Joseph Stalin as Lado situation was precipitating following the British attitude towards Lado . USSR took a side for Lado .

1953 ----------------------- Another yet , Keego / Prime Minister of Lado was assassinated by the British to change the Political cause of Lado . In this particular moment , Lado had rejected the British intention of creating an East African Federation as Lado a part of it .

1953 ---------------- Once again this time , the Lado Envoy Extraordinary Atamva John Bart Agami was sent with the assistance of Ethiopia - Emperor Haile Selassie Tafari Makonnen to meet Prime Minister , Wiston . S . Church hill , in Malta .

30th April 1954 ---- Nile Bridge talks - Meeting between Lado Envoy Extraordinary and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II took place in Uganda . It was agreed that Lado would be independent in 1960 / 1961 .

1956 ------------------ A conference was held in Arua which included , Congo's first Prime Minister , Mr Patrick Lumumba on the question of Lado and its Peoples Rights to Self - determination and on the question of the Nile waters . ( cf .Nile Waters Agreement of 1929 and Nile Waters Utilization Agreement of 8th November . 1959 ) .

1957 ------------------- The Representative of Lado Atamva ( Mr ) , Ringe afterwards was assassinated . Atamva Ringe is an Alur of Luo tribe in Lado.

1958 --------------- General Elections of March 1958 were held to determine the independence of Lado and the future Prime Minister after Decolonisation . Atamva Gaspero ( a Lugbari tribe ) won the elections amongst all the candidates of the 29 tribes of Lado .

1960 ---------------- The Agofe of Lado in the untimely natural death KARANGA / GENERAL - ANACIA BOROA , O M died of whose death the British properly took advantage for the independence of Lado as promised by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II .

1962 --------------- Uganda received her Independence from Britain but on the Political Grounds , the Lado leader was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment by the British Authority in Uganda . He was and is the living physical person today of the Agofe of Lado who fortunately was released by his Military personnel in Uganda Uganda got its independence but remains till todate under the Supreme Authority of the Crown of Britain ( c . f : Implications of the British commomwealth ) .

1967 ----------------- A new political Constitution after being draughted in 1966 was passed in Uganda Parliament , without allowing a debate on it in 1967 . ( intention was to hide the knowledge that Lado is a seperate State from Uganda since 1892 . ) .

1971 ----------------- Uganda ' s plot for the Extermination came into picture in 1971 of the 1967 Master plan to finalise but failed in carrying it out in January 1971 . The result came out of the over throw of the President of Uganda Mr Apollo Milton Obote ( a Luo trbe of Uganda State . ) . And by the Military Hierachy Major General Idi Amin ( a Sudanic - Kakua by tribe from Lado ) took over the State Affairs of Uganda on 25th January 1971 ) . In the re - orgainsation of the State of Uganda General Idi Amin thought it wise to take back the Sovereignity of Uganda to view the Uganda - Lado relations . This became a big blow defeat for the British . The Sudanic ( Ladoan people ) in Uganda and Lado finally had to be wiped off completly in a war to be declared over Lado and her people

1975 ----------------- London Agreement of 1975 was reached . It was worked out in Lusaka in Zambia between Uganda and Britain , inclulding other commonwealth countries to fight the Sudanic tribes of the State of Lado .

1978 / 9 : ---------- War was declared on Lado and its people ( predominately Sudanic race ) which lasted from 6th October 1978 to April 1979 , whereby 250, 000 soldiers were assembled from all over the World especially from the British Commonwealth Countries and from the Political allies of Britain . In the diplomatc channel it was Denmark , a strong British ally who undertook running the diplomatic machinary to impliment the war and was the one who raised the issue in the United Nations under the cover that the war in Uganda was necessary to over throw the World ' s worst Dictator ever known , General Idi Amin . General Idi Amin is a Kakua - Sudanic tribe in Lado . After the over throw of Idi Amin , the coming true President of Uganda Mr, Yusuf Lule said " the Nile is betwwen us " , confirming the existence of the two States : i.e Lado ( since 1892 ) and Uganda ( since 1894 )

March 1979 ----- The Uganda Ethnic groups ( Bantu , Nilotics / Luo and Nilo Hamatics and of Tanzania and Africans held " Moshi Agreement " in Tanzania , finally to impliment the London Agreement of 1975.

1980 / 1 ----------- From 1979 to 1981 massive massacres of the Sudanics in the Southern Lado ( West Nile ) , in Uganda and in other East African Countries inclulding total destruction of Properties in this part of Lado ( both Private and Public properties ) were carried out in order to occupy Lado land ( cf ; Uganda plans of 1967 and Uganda decree of 12 May 1980 , Art. 5 and Art. 10 ) , This was done with full cooperation of Tanzania . The prospectve still continues under different forms of coverages .

From March 1982 -------- Massive killings continued in South Lado Regions supported by the British Flancoster and the S .A. S ( Special Air Service ) including the Military Personel , the British ( CO ' s and NO ' s ) who were sent to Uganda and later to West Nile ( South Lado ) in their explicit way " Military Language " they say the British Officers are only there in Uganda to train Ugandan Military Officers as they were called on to go there on the request or on the Orders of Mr Milton Obote and Mr Yoweri Museveni inorder to fight against the Gorrillas in the Region ( The West NIle Bank Front / Military Wing ) . But Britain knows , West Nile is South Lado Region of the State Kingdom ( KAARI ) of Lado .. Meanwhile the truth is that : Lado people are Defending their Borders, their Land, their Natural Resources and their People as best they can, which is their Right under the UN Charter of 26 June 1945, Article 1, Article 51 and Article 73, including all the relevant instruments of United Nations and International Law

7th March 1987 ------ The Lado Provisional Government, was formally proclaimed and established on 7 March 1987 in Arua - Aru in Lado ( Africa ),

The British Attitude continues to be well seen within to influence the other Eurpean Nations towards Lado in Africa

1999 -- The latest evidence is in 1999, when the European Governments have in the pretext to destroy African Unity which was giving African people a Leeway to true Independence , Politically, Economically and Socially. They simply concocted the African Union based on the European Union and created something called NEPAD ( New Partnership for African Development ), which officially is supposed to be a Partnership between Africa and Europeans. " This is what one can only call simply a devised New system of Domination on the African People and to control the African Minds " .

The British, who have been sharing the Occupation of Lado with Belgium since 1947, are doing everything in their Power, and are using their Position in International Affairs and in the UN Security Council, to kill the State of Lado, and they are using their former African Colonies, their African Protectorates and their African Territories to do just that .

Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair's African Creation, the " Africa Commission ' has been set in motion with the main objective to finish off and Annihilate the State of Lado and to erase all trace of the Lado People from World Records .This is NO SECREET to a mindful Person . The Government Policy of His New Labour Party for Africa is no different from the former Old Labour Party under the Predecessor led by Rt . Hon. Clement Richard Atlee as the Prime Minister of Britain and during His Reign in 1948 ,The Agofe / King , Atabua of Lado was Assassinated

The Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Nigeria have been chosen to spearhead this Initiative, and in this capacity The Republic of South Africa and The Republic of Nigeria today have been appointed Britain ' s African Commissioner for NEPAD .

By doing so, the Right Honourable Mr. Blair is covering ' British Conspiracy ' under the , Cloak of African Affairs and pretending that the Slaughter of a Nation and an Entire People - the Nation State of Lado and the People of Lado - are merely an ' African Affair ' to be dealt with solely by the African Union ( AU ) .

20001 ------------ Lado sent a Petition to the UN Security Council and requested the UN Secretary General to act under Article 99 of the UN Charter . The Lado Provisional Government is requesting the Political and Diplomatic Support from and through the UN in order to avoid the inevitable War for the Independence of Lado and the Sovereignty of Lado ( Central Africa ) . All that , the People of Lado want and demand is the Right to Freedom and Liberty from the Intolerable Situation of Foreign Occupation of Lado .

Lado has never been Colonised, although Occupied, in contrast to so many other African States. And therefore, No one has any Legal Right to Occupy Lado. The Lado People, demand Independence of Lado and Sovereignty of Lado, and therefore to build up their Nation to Prosper in Peaceful co - existence with their neighbouring Countries, Congo - Zaire, Sudan, Uganda, CAR ( Central African Republic ), Kenya , Ethiopia and with all Nations of the World .

Year 2005 ----- up to ?------------- Incidences in year 2005 against Lendu people and Killings at Ariwara , Yei on Ladoland are of a few to mention yet . A Multination Force consisting of 11,000 troops from ' Nations of the Willing ' were seen making a swift move of insurgence to North Lado ( Central Africa ). Officially they were believed to supervise the ' Nairobi Agreement' of 9 January 2005 which is to bring Peace between the Rebel Forces SPLM ( Sudan People's Liberation Movement ) and the Sudan Government in Khartoum . However the Truth is that : there is no doubt that behind the move is the long - term Objective to Destroy Lado, the Lado State in Central Africa situated in the Great Lakes Region and in the Nile-Congo Watershed Region, which is falsely shown or shall be shown in future on the Map as Southern Sudan and DR Congo. But it is the Northern Territory of Lado ( " Equatoria and Ituri Province of Lado " since 1871 ) . Unfortunately for Lado and Fortunately for Britain , this Operation is being carried out " New Occupation of Lado " Under the UN Banner . " The UN is assisting those who have been Waging a War against the Lado Issue of Independence since 1947 " . It looks then UN Security Council refuses to implement the UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and the UN General Assembly Resolution 43/47 of 22 November 1988, and which with a Majority Vote of the UN General Assembly can force the UN Security Council to abide to ", Britain is a Permanent Member of the Security anyway ! -- " Must have a say for Lado then in the course of time " . How long is it taking for Britain to let go Lado for her Freedom ------------- ? We do know that , in order to avoid having to fulfill the UN Resolutions and the Treaty, Britain and the US use the UN Charter, Article 12, for with this article they can block any issue that is not in their own interests from a vote among the membership countries in the UN Security Council itself.

11 March 2005 ------- Provisional Government of Lado asked once again the Agofe / King a Protest Letter to be sent to the UN Security Council, ( dated 11 March 2005 ) , The Security Council must Act . There is a Lack of International Recognition of the State of Lado as an Independent Sovereign State (Lado), and because of the Negligence of the International Community, and of the UN, anyone feels free to Loot and Kill in Lado

By refusing to allow the Independence and Sovereignty of LADO, Belgium and Britain are in Breach of The UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 ( XV ) of 14 December 1960 and the Article 1 and Article 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 and are the willing to see that the Holocaust of Lado continues under their Rule of Occupation . Now They are trying the best to rename Lado , The Southern Sudan Nation Build in the Years to come. They are hoping that should be done by 2011



Ronald Okuonzi Lulua

Member , Institute of Sudanic Studies ( ISS ) .


Posted by LADO to ugandan-community in canada at 5:39 AM Re. Ranald Okuonzi Lulua. thanks for your article you send. recieve and Forwarded in our webside in which billions of Audience will read the history. Bravo.



Blogger LADO said...


One thing that can turn the stomach of even the most seasoned Warrior " African Freedom Fighter ", involved in the work of ending oppression and awakening human dignity in oneself and ones comrades, is the incredible shamelessness of those who profit and thrive off the suffering of their own people.

The mind boggles at the blatant callousness of individuals who really and truly do not care about the pain and the suffering their tricknology causes.

Not even a "I didn't know" or the usual denial of hard facts. No, the shameless ones are so versed in their insanity of Greed ; they have no need to protect their psyche through such defence mechanisms. Instead they tend to be totally clear and aware of what they are doing.

Take a look at the much talked about African Elites the so called admired Leaders of today's Indepenedent African Countries .

What have they truly done, for Africa, and African people ? Have they done anything, in aiding Africa to realise wholesome, balanced societies and communities ? Have they guided Africa in the constant rebirth of our roots and culture ? Have they partaken in the process of finding out what we as Africans can learn from other cultures and what we should avoid like the plague ?

The obvious ( though not quite correct ) answer is : They have done nothing. The truth is though, they have done far more than enough in misguiding, decieving and misleading the people of Africa . If it only they had done nothing, the situation wouldn't be as tragic as it is. No, they have not merely idly stood by.

They have gone beyond the level of the useful fool, who due his/her misconditioning, ignorance and good old fashioned pigheadedness can be used to destroy his / her society and implant the values, norms and governance of the imperialist .

They are now willing fools . In effect, they collaborate with open eyes with the destroyers of humanity for the sole purpose of getting a slice of the cake for themselves, and their little circle of friends and family, or those who share the same social status as themselves.

Truly , a fitting title would be accomplices to the crimes of genocide, enslavement, terror and the rape of the collective mind of an entire people. There is no excuse only arrogant greed, lack of remorse, lack of compassion and shamelessness .

Just see for yourselves :

Who goes to Paris, London, Washington, etc and signs away the land underneath the feet of their own people?

Who agrees that their people should work for nothing under inhuman conditions for multinational companies in the name of foreign investment?

Who agrees to ethnically clear an area of unwanted tribes, so the global economy, or rather the global monstrosity can gain access to the resources that lie in Ancestral Lands?

Who swears by , obeys and enforces ridiculous Colonial laws that still are in place in many so-called independent African countries, as Administrative law?

Who continues to pay off loans which are nothing more than economic entrapment designed to keep us locked in the ideology and practice of poverty?

Who continues to obey the thinking, that we must grow and export agricultural produce for western markets instead of cultivating food to feed ourselves?

None other than the African Elite. And why? So they and their little clique can get rich and fat without doing an honest days work. So their children can go to fine European schools and speak French and English with the proper accent. Not giving a damn about the blood split to ensure their material living standard and status as elites.

Take Azania (South Africa). As the Racist regime came to the end of its overt power, - now it just rules covertly -what happened ? Was their justice, was their liberty, was their redress, was their a redistribution of Land? Far from it, there was - to be blunt - A BIG FAT LIE!!!!!!!!!!

More than 70% of the Land, which the Racist government had seized through the 1913 land act, has remained in the hands of the white farmers. The entire biological warfare research program targeted at the black populations was placed under lock and key, so the people should never know what was planned against them. The agents of Apartheid, the butchers who had tortured and killed with impunity for years were allowed to do a confessional song and dance and let off scot-free. In the name of reconciliation and Christian charity.

Some of these criminals are now mercenaries in places like Iraq, where they can practice their sadism on other peoples, due to the cowardly and treacherous betrayals of the African Elite, those who dare to call themselves our leaders.

It is simple in mind; whatever academic title or social rank they hide behind, the majority of African Elites are nothing more than an imperialist fifth column within African societies. Until Africa gets rid of the mentality that infects these twisted minds, until it is forever barred from all affairs that touch on all African collective wellbeing all talk of change remains just that, TALK .





3:36 AM  
Blogger LADO said...



The Restoration of The State of Lado

Lado People will Stand Firm to see that the Lado Sovereign Nation State is Restored with its Original Boundaries from 1887-1907, and the State of Lado is Recognized by the U.N. and the World Community For much too long the Oppressors have Occupied, Raped, and Erased the African History, but the Lado People are beginning to find and recognize their Rich Cultural Heritage as the Ancient Kingdom Created on the Remnants of the Old Egypt as early as 700 BC, when Lado was founded under the name "Ladoland" and on 9 May 847 AD when the Modern Lado was Established." The Days of Imperialism and Colonial Power are gone, and a New Age of Freedom and Independence is Emerging. So is therefore the Freedom of Lado.

The Powers who have held Command of the World for the last four hundred years, are losing their Hold of the World, and the African Nations want to Write their own History.

Success Stories Throughout Lado to Stop Big Business Plans

Success Stories throughout Lado now is such as the Lado initiative to stop Oil Drilling , the UK Indians ' Plans of Sugar Plantations and the Colonial and Corporate Plan to turn Lado into a Giant Pig and GMO Soya Beans Farming Area, which would have resulted in Widespread Pollution, have given the Lado People the Courage and the Determination to fight for what they Believe in.

Though Lado is kept in Stranglehold of Joint Illegal Occupation since 1947 : -

Since 1947 Lado - the "Lado Enclave" or "Equatoria" - which is situated in the Great Lakes Region in the Upper Nile Valley, has been kept in a Stranglehold by the European Powers Britain and Belgium who have joined in an Occupation of Lado. This Joint Illegal Occupation of Lado by Britain and Belgium in 1947 has made the State of Lado into two Cultural Sectors :

(a) the French Speaking Lado to the West ( Belgian ), and

(b) the English Speaking Lado to the East ( British ),

However "This Act of Occupation alone is not consistent with the Treaty of Berlin 26 February 1885, Articles 6, 12, 15, including 34. the British/Belgian Occupation of Lado was not translated into complete Colonial or Protectorate Status by Treaty signed by the Agofe of Lado . Which means the European Colonial Masters can not inherit Lado which therefore still exists as a Political Entity and as a Nation State of Lado. However, it is a Fact that the State of Lado is an Occupied Territory, first by the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) on 26 May 1871, and by Belgium-Britain jointly from 15 May 1947."

By standing firm and demanding its Right to Exist and to be Recognized as a Sovereign Nation State by the International Community, Lado has stood out as a Beacon and an Example for the People all over Africa who will no longer tolerate Suppression and Enslavement in their own Homelands .

After four hundred years of Slavery ( during 1440-1840 ) , Degradation and Poverty, the African People were left in a State of Shock. And it is little wonder that they chose to lull themselves into Apathy in order just to try to Survive , creating the present Unrest in Africa as a sign that the African People are Awakening from their Sleep, and are taking charge of their own destinies .

Though African People are Ridding Themselves of their Ruling Elites......... :

What we are witnessing now is that the African People are ridding themselves of the Ruling Elite, who have Betrayed their People, and who have only been kept in Power with the massive Support of the Old Colonial Powers, mainly Britain, France and Belgium, who have and are contributing heavily with Military Expertise and Weaponry. And not least to the pockets and Foreign Bank Accounts of their African Leaders.

In this way, and by creating a Ruling Class chosen from a favoured group or a Tribe / Clan, who got Positions in Power, the former Slave Traders have managed to Divide and Rule and ensure that the African People are kept Enslaved in their own Homelands long since the lucrative Slave Trade was Abolished.

This Policy has led and leads still to needless Massacres and Bloodbaths and Tragedies as the one which happened in Rwanda, which are often referred to as Ethnic Cleansings . However, this covers over Atrocities and gross Human Rights Violations by Government Security Forces who are used to quell any sign of Resistance or Criticism against the Ruling Elite and through Brutal Force these Ruling Elites have managed to keep and still keep their Populations in a state of constant Fear and Obedient Silence .

To the Extent Ruling Elites have been Rigging and will continue so to rig Election Results .....

Up till now these Elites have even got away with the Rigging of Election Results, which have not only taken place in our neighbouring country Kenya, but also has been the Order of the Day in Ugandan Politics where the President still reigns Supreme with the Backing of Britain and Britain's Scandinavian Allies who will gladly Support Uganda to suit their own Interests .

Uganda has for many years been the ' Darling ' of the Anglo - American Powers and their Scandinavian Allies, who are Running and Controlling the Ugandan Administrative System, and in this way are in a position to use Colonial Uganda as a Stepping Stone to take over and usurp Lado's Natural Resources and Drive out the Inhabitants : The Lado People who have become Refugees and ' Displaced Persons ' in their own Homeland.

This situation has become Intolerable to the People of Lado, and they have started to take matters into their own Hands, and to Stand Up for their Rights and for what is rightfully theirs. Like their Neighbours in Northern Uganda, the Local Lado People have Bravely Protested and Fought the Ugandan Government, who had made a Deal for the Sale of Virgin Forest Land to a Canadian Lumber Company.

The Lado People successfully stopped the Devastation to their Natural Resources which would have Laid Waste valuable woodlands into Arid Desert of Big Business



6:12 AM  
Blogger Bugamvi said...

Great articles. Have these been compiled into a book? If so then I would like to have a copy. Wherre do I get it?

Great day

10:08 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

African Collective is a dynamic alliance of diverse cultures, uniting the continent's rich heritage. Celebrating unity, resilience, and creativity, it fosters collaboration and shared aspirations.

5:58 AM  

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