Thursday, December 07, 2006


Clearly its dangerious for historians to wield the worst president label like a scalp hungry tomahawk simply because they oject to bushs record. as well the language ton Bush still using, as I am writing this, the two Devils meeting in the white house thats britain prime minister tony blair & his counter part george.w.bush junior. is to be Impeached in january to face war crime in hague International Court of ILLEGAL Invation of soveregn country like Iraq, without United Nations security council. As United Nations Secretary General H.E. Kofi Annan confirm in his interview recently with the bbc. that America Invassion of Iraq is ILLEGAL. &. all the bombadment , the killing of Iraqi citizens, men,women, childrens, in borth Iraq Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israelis on other hand in Palestine, in cold Blood. American soldiers to steal the wealth of Iraq, like oil properties, destruction of buildings, raping womens, girls, torturing the ILLEGALY Detained Iraqis, Afghanis,Pakistanis, the misery &. killing continues. Now, The Leading the so called the Iraqi study groups would have given their Ideas before ILLEGAL Invassion in 2003, but not millions of innocent Iraqis,Afghanis,&.Pakistanis killed in cold blood. the person like james baker was the one who made the Usa supreme court to instole George.w.bush junior be a president without wining the majority of votes. Al-Gore won the election. but is dodged. American Army be Avised to get out of Iraq,&. Afghanistan Immediately or you are almost to face deadly force of getting foreign troops out in which will be painful, will resulted to so many death to your army. thing twice, of your aim of building permanet base in that part of the world where the majority of the citizens dont want your presence there. let United Nations Peace keeping forces take over to Legitimise the Authority in Iraq again, in Iraq, there are more thern 15 millions Iraqi troops both Under Saddam Husseins & newly trained in neighbouring Islamic StatesAll Iraqi citizens, Regular Army, Airforce, Intellince,Secret services, regular Police, police security Internal services all are ready to take over & work with UN Peace keeping Forces from Muslims States. All troops mentions are all in Iraq now, Under ground. Saddam Hussein is still the president of Iraq LEGALLY. under International Law. the present so called government formed under American Administration is ILLEGAL, since U.S.A Invaded Iraq without the Authorisation of U.N.Security council. after two years from now, then the Election to be held to let all Iraqis to elect their leader. meanwhile saddan hussein to run the government under supervision of United Nations. but not Amirican who Tempered with Iraqi Constitutions. once again America get out of Iraq to let peace Imerge Again in that part of the world. peace,love,unity around the Globe. not Bloodshed. Bravo.


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