In 1890 Britain leased the LADO ENCLAVE (Sudan) to King Leopold of Belgium, in return for a corridor betwee n Lake Albert Edward and Lake Tanganyika ), in the so-called MACKINNON TREATY - in an attempt to link up the Cape to Cairo railway (connected by steamer across Lake Tanganyika). Germany protested against this arrangement; the treaty never was ratified.
In 1908, the Lado Enclave, which in fact never before had been under British administration, but as forming part of the Nile Basin was within British territorial claim, "reverted" to British rule and was, for the most part, administratively incorporated into the Sudan (1910), as were parts of Ugandan territory (Gondokoro); only the southern tip of the Lado Enclave was integrated into Uganda.
Why Does Britain Hate General Idi Amin From Lado , One Time President Of Uganda ?
Since President Apolo Miltone Obote ' s Coup d ' Etat on 24th January 1971 , Sunday night , failed -------- and the Counter Coup d ' 'Etat of 25th January 1971 , led by Sergent - Major Musa a Sudanic Lugbari , succeeded then on the same day at 15 hours of the day January 1971 the overthrow of the announced on the National Radio of Uganda by the Warrant Officer II Sam Wilfred Asua , a Sudanic Lugbari thus giving the 18 reasons for causing the Struggle and Affirming that the change over of the Government was a result of Self - Defence ------- against a total extermination against the Sudanic tribes of Uganda by the Nilotic tribes of Uganda as stipulted by Mr . Obote himself before he left for Singapore .
Futhermore on the same day of January 1971 , a Military Junta was formed and Negotions for a Military Head of Government was searched and negotiated . During the same day and the same period , there were not many Senior Military Officers of Sudanic Tribes .However there were only four who were in Uganda and one was outside Uganda . And those four in Uganda were : Major General Idi Amin who by then was under House Arrest , Colonel Juma Musa who was the Commander of Uganda Air Force , Lieutenant Colonel Ernest Obitre Gama who by then was Commander of Para - Troop Battalion , and LIeutenant Colonel Michael Odonga who was the Commander of Magamaga Battalion ( Logistics ) . While Colonel John Bart Agami was in France as a Political Refugee .
According to the Military tradition and usual Military Etiquette the former Commander of the Uganda Armed Forces , Major General Idi Amin Dada , was chosen to be the Head of the Military Government of Uganda --------- with Lieutenant Colonel Ernest Obitre Gama as the Minister of Internal Affairs . And Lieutenant Michel Odonga as Ambassodor to USSR , and Major Michel Ombia as High Commissioner to India . In addition , all the Permanent Secretaries of respective Ministries were promoted to Ministers of their Ministries : ( a ) Ministry of Natural Resources and Animal Husbandry which was given to Mr . Erinayo . W. Oryiema Inspector General of Uganda Police Force who was a Nilotic Acholi tribe as a Minister . ( b ) The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry was given to Mr . Fabiano Okyera , Commissioner of Uganda Prisons Force who was also a Nilotic Acholi tribe as Mr . Oryema . And for the Nilotic Alur our Neighbours in the Region of West Nile , Mr . Severrino Ovonji who was the the Dierctor General of the East African Harbours Corporation was appointed the Minister of Public Services and Cabinet Affairs . . While Mr . Jino Geria, Chief Statistian of the East African Customs and Exercises was appointed Secretary to the Treasury , Ministry of Finance . And a propasal to create a Council of State to replace the Queen of England as the Chief of State ( Head of State ) of Uganda , thus reclaiming back our ( Uganda ' s ) Sovereignty which Britain refused to relinguish since 1962 .
The first Cabinet of Ministers of the Military Government composed of the 18 ( eighteen ) Ministers of Senior Cabinet Rank . All Ministers were of Bantu Tribes except four Ministers ( Mr . Erinayo Oryiema , Mr . Fabiano Okwera , Mr . Wilson Lutara , and Mr . Severino Ovonji who are Nilotic / Luo Tribes -------- while the only Minisster of Sudanic Tribes was Lieutenant Colonel Earnst Obitre Gama . Officially , Major General Idi Amin Dada was the Head of Military Government and Commander - in - Chief of the Armed Forces inclulding the Minister of Defence . So there were only two Sudanics .
Of all the Ugandan Ambassodors and High Commissioners to Foreign Countries or States , there were only two Sudanics appointed in 1971 : Lieutenant Colonel Michael Odonga as Ambassodor to USSR and Major Michael Ombia as High Commissioner to India .
The rest of the Ambassodors and High Commssioners were from Bantu Tribes . And most of the Permanent Secretaries were also Bantu .
The Directors of the most important State Agencies were headed in 1971 , by the Bantu Tribes except two directors who are not Bantu :
( 1 ) Acting Chief of Staff , Uganda Armed Forces : Lieutenant Colonel Frances Nyangweso from Samia Tribe , Bukedi District , Eastern Region .
( 2 ) Chief Secretary to the Treasury , Ministry of Finance: Mr Jino Geria from Sudanic Lugbari , West Nile Region -
( 3 ) Goevrnor , Bank of Uganda : Mr . Joseph Mubira , Bantu / Muganda -
( 4 ) Chief Justice , High Court of Uganda : Mr . Benedicto Kiwanuka , Bantu / Muganda or a Ganda Tribe , Bugunda Region -
( Vice Chancellor , Makerere University : Mr. Francis Kaimuzu . Bantu Tribe . Western Region -
And most of the State Agencies of Lesser importance , and also many State Corporations ( sometimes known as Parastatal Bodies ) and many important corporations and Private Corporations and Companies and Banking Institutiions and Education Institutions were headed by the Bantu Tribes compared to the other Ethinic Groups such as Nilotics , Sudanics , Hamatics and others .
The Supreme Council / SMC is what is commonly referred to as the Defence Council . Its Chairman , since 1971 was the Head of Military Government - Major General Idi Amin - and its own Secretary was Captain Emilio Mondo. While every Senior Military Officer and all Battalion Commanders and other Heads of Military Units and Security Units inclulding the Police Force / Prisons Force are Members of the Council . ( NB : TITLES AND RANKS ARE ALL THOSE OF THE AT THE TIME OF APPOINTMENT OF THE INDIVIDUAL PERSON ) .
The Council of State is also known as the Supreme Council of State / SCS . It was composed of five Members and with a Secretary :
( 1 ) Major General Idi Amin Dada , Kakua Tribe / Sudanic , Chairman
( 2 ) Colonel John Bart Agami , Lugbari Tribe / Sudanic , Secretary .
( 3 ) Lieutenant Colonel Earnst Obitre Gama , Lugbari Tribe / Sudanic
( 4 ) Major Charles Arube , Kakua Tribe / Sudanic
( 5 ) Lieutanant Ali Moses , Ma 'di Tribe / Sudanic .
These five physical persons were to be the Joint Chief of State for Uganda to replace the Queen of England who was the Chief of Uganda since 1962 .
March 1971 . Entebbe , Uganda The Soverign State of Uganda
contanct :
Earth Scorched Military Operation On Lado In Africa - 1978 / 79 Till Today
2 . MOSHI CONFERENCE - March 23 - 29 , 1979 :
2 . 1 . Aims and purposes
2 . 2 . Implications
2 . 3 . Outcome
3 . 1 . Raison d ' e^tre
3 . 2 . Formation
3 . 3 . Revenge Philosophy
4 . THE UGANDA WAR - 1978 / 1979
5 . 2 . Luo Land
5 . 3 . Teso
5 . 4 . Ankole and Toro
5 . 5 Bunyoro
5 . 6 . Buganda
5 . 7 . Busoga
5 . 8 . Bugisu and Bukedi
5 . 9 . Karamojo and Kigezi
5 .10 . West Nile / Lado
5 . 11 . 0verall Destruction in West Nile Lado .
7 . 1 . Role of Tanzania
7 . 2 . What did Tanzania gain as a Country
7 . 3 . British Interests in Uganda
7. 3 . 1 . 1 . Diplomatic and Cultural
7 . 3 . 1 . 2 . Strategic
7 . 3 . 1 . 3 . Economic
7 . 3 . 1 . 4 . Commercial
7 . 4 . Tanzanian Involvement in the Uganda War , 1976 / 79
( The Shaning of President Mr Julius Nyerere of Tanzania ) .
1. 1 In October, 1978 , the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, headed by President Julius . K . Nyerere as the Chief Execuctive Athourity , declared war on Uganda Officially . President Nyerere justified his action with the argument that he had been requested by the peoples of Uganda to overthrow President Idi Amin of Uganda , whom he accused of mismanaging Uganda . The delegates of the Peoples of Uganda , in whose name President Nyerere invaded Uganda , assembled in the Tanzanian town of Moshi , where they elaborated the Political justification to President Nyerere 's action against Uganda .
1 . 2 The writing of this paper here aims to bring out briefly the implications and the consequences of President Nyerere 's action for Uganda as a land and as a multinational community of African men .
2 . MOSHI CONFERENCE - March 23 - 29 , 1979 :
2 . 1 . Aims and Purposes
2 . 1 . 1 The Moshi Conference was attended by the delegates of the Peoples of the East Nile / Uganda , namely the Bantu people , the Luo / Nilotic people , the Nilo - Hamatic people and others who are of non - African origines . The Sudanic people of the West Nile / Lado ( i .e . the Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Lendu , Logo , Ndu , Avukaya , Bari , Muru , Gbanda o , Mundu --- etc --- ) were not required, therefore not invited , to attend it . It was held in Moshi , Tanzania , during the period of March 23 - 29 , 1979 . The Aim and Purposes were as follows :
a / - To remove President Idi Amin and his Regime from power in Uganda :
b / - To re - establish Democracy in Uganda without the West Nile / Lado which had been recognised as the Lado State by the International Community in 1892 before it became a Confederate State with the Uganda State in 1926 . , thirty two ( 32 ) years after the Uganda State had been created by the British in April , in 1894 . and thirty four ( 34 ) years after it had been recognised by the International Community in September 1892 :
c / - To re - establish the National Independence of Uganda .
2 . 2 . 1 The implication of 2 . 1 . 1 ( b ) above is that the West Nile / Lado was not needed in , and was not to be considered as part of Uganda . And the implication of 2 . 1 . 1 ( c ) above is that Uganda was not independent during the eight - years period of 1971 - 1979 , when it was ruled by the Sudanic People of West Nile / Lado with General Idi Amin , a Sudanic speaking Kakua as the President .This implication means , in turn that the Sudanic Speaking people of the West Nile / Lado are considered Foreigners in Uganda .
2 . 2 . 2 . It follows that the Idi Amin Regime was to be removed in Uganda , not because it was a regime of Military Dictatorship as was officially stated , but because , in the minds of the Delegates at the Moshi Conference of March , 1979 , it was a Regime of Foreigners from the West Nile / Lado .
2 . 3 . OUTCOME
2 . 3 . 1 The outcome of the Moshi Agreement Conference of 1979 was / is the Uganda National Liberation Front ( UNLF ) , which consisted of three Organs :
a / - An Executive Council , headed by Mr . Yusuf . K . Lulue a Muganda tribe Muslim who turned out later to be a Protestant :
b / - A legislative Councilknown as the National Consultative ( NCC ) , headed by Mr . Edward Rugumayo, a Mutoro from Western Region .
c / - A military council , which was refered to as the Militaru Commission or the Military Wing of the UNLF and which was headed by Mr . Paulo Mwanga , a Muganda .
3 .1 . Raison d ' e^tre
3 . 1. 1 Attended by the delegates of twenty eight ( 28 ) political groups representing the peoples of the East Nile / Uganda and who assembled in Moshi , Tanzania, during the period March 23v - 29 , 1979 , and placed under the Chairmanshipof Associate Professor Tarsis B . Kabyegyere , a Muhiru from Ankole , the UNLF aimed to unite and organise the ethnic peoples of the East Nile / Uganda against the Sudanics Ethnic people ( i.e Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Ndu , Kebu , Lendu , Logo , ---- etc ---- of the West Nile / Lado , with a view to overthrowing the Idi Amin Regime . It was intended also against the Muslims or the Sympathisers and Collaborators of the Islamic Faith in the East Nile / Uganda and the West Nile / Lado .
3 .1 .2 The Tanzanian Government of Mr . Julius Nyerere offered the Tanania Peoples Defence Forces ( tpdf ) , as well as the Land of Tanzania to be used by more forces from some other Countries in Africa and outside Africa , for the Operations .Both the TPDF and the Non - Tanzanian forces from Africa and outside Africa took part in fighting the 1978 / 79 Uganda war to overthrow President Idi Amin and his Regime .
3. 2 . 1 . The Uganda National Liberation Front ( UNLF ) was formed by the Luo / Nilotic people ( i.e . the Acholi , Lango - Omiru , Alur , -- etc --- ) , the Bantu people ( i. e . the Baganda , Basoga , Banyakole , Batoro , Bakiga , , Bagisu , Banyaro , --- etc --- and the Nile - Hamatic people ( i . e . the Ateso , Karamajong , Lango - Dyang , --- etc --- ) , all of them from the East Nile / Uganda , to fight the Sudanic people of the West Nile / Lado . ( i .e . the Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Ndu , Ke ' bu , Lendu , Logo , --- etc --- ) and the Muslims in the East Nile / Uganda and West Nile / Lado .
3 . 2 . 2 There were intenxely organised diplomatic manoevours under the name of the Republic of Tanzania with Mr . Julius Nyerere as the Chief Executive Authority to coordinate , and in whose name the overall operations of the Uganda war on the Sudanics of 1978 / 79 were conducted by Non - Tanzanians from outside the Continent of Africa .
3 . 2 . 3 . Many Countrues in the other continents, namely , Europe , America , Asia and Ocenia, participated very effectivelyin various capacities and abilities in support of the UNLF in the Uganda war of 1978 / 79 against the Sudanic people of the West Nile / Lado , who are regarded in Uganda as Foreigners due to the fact they had been part of ZAIRE / ( CONGO ) , known then as the Congo Free State ., and the Sudan between 1892 and 1920 , before their Association with Uganda - British Protectorate . which became effective in 1926 following the five years War of 1914 - 1919 between Lugbari and the British .
3 . 3 . 1 It was during the last quarter of 19th Centuary , when European Colonial powers were rushing to grab any piece of Land they could fimd in Africa , that the Sudanic people came into contact with the British people .Ever since that period , the relations between the Sudanic people and the British people are conflictual . For the Sudanic have been awaret hat the Britsh people are all out to gtab and occupy their Land . The following events are the illustrations of the conflictual nature of the Anglo - Sudanic Relations :
a / - 1880 - 1882 The attack of the Sudanic people by a British force commanded by Lieutanant - Colonel - William Hicks . The attack was beaten off in 1882 . Of the 11, 000 invading soldiiers , about 200 got away alive .
b / - 1884 The expulsion by Commadant Karram Allah from Lado town of a foreign administration of occupation with Dr Edward Schnditzner , an Austrian who was in the serice of Britain and who iscommonly known in history as Dr Emin Pasha , as the head . There after , Dr Emin Pasha set up another administration of foreign occupation in Wadelai .
c / - 1889 : The explusion by Commadant Fadh - el - Mula Aga . a Lugbari tribe , of the second administration of foreign occupation set up by Dr . Emin Pasha .in Wadelai .
d / - 1896 - 1899 : The Lado War , commonly known in History as the Mahdist War , in which the British forces were commanded by Gen . Horatio Kitcherner .
e / - 1897 - 1900 : The Sudanese Mutiny , sometimes known as the Uganda Mutiny , by the Sudanic Solduers . As a result of it , Commanant Bilal Amin ( Grand Father of Idi Amin Awong Dada who became President of Uganda in 1971 ) was executed by the British for having refused to fight his own people Sudanics in North Lado and to be used to kill the Ganda people for nothing .
f / - 1914 - 1919 : The Lugbari - British War
3. 3 . 2 The scats of these confrontations are still visible today . No suprise that anything connected with the Sudanic people stings for the British people . It makes them tick . They always search to destroy the Sudanic people in revenge . That is why the name of General Idi Amin was used as a pretext to massacre the Sudanic people in Uganda from 1979 ..
4 . 1 The details of this British Uganda war on Lado of 1978 / 79 will not be given in this article here . . They are already available in the report on the war . Here , only a few events will be pointed out to clarify both the points raised and our position as the Sudanic people .
4 . 2 The war simply refered to as Uganda War of 1978 / 79 could faintly be called the Third World War, in the sense that the whole world participated in the struggle in one way or another , with Kampala representing Berlin . Mr . Cyrus Vance , U .S . Secretary of State , stated that the War was costing U . S . dollars one million a day .
4 . 3 The cause of the war , in reality and in its totality , can be divided into three parts :
a / _ Foreign economic Interests in Uganda ,
b / - Revenge against the Sudanic people of the West Nile / Lado ;
c / - Hatred for the Sudanic people of the West Nile / Lado , who are considered by the ethic peoples of the East Nile / Uganda as Foreigners in , therefore unacceptable to rule Uganda ;
4 . 4 These three causes Led the Bantu people , the Luo / Nilotic , the Nilo - Hamitic people and others who are of Non - African origines , diplomatically backed up , supported , covered and pushed forward by Britain , the ( former ) colonising power , and organised into a fighting force known as the Uganda National Liberation Army ( UNLA ) , to declare war on Uganda occupied by the Sudanic people of Lado in 1979 .
4 . 5 . 1 The War is considered as the third war because all the Continents of the World , namely Africa , Europe , Asia , America and Ocenia , participated in it in one way or another . The invading forces consisted of the two following groups :
a / - The UNLA section of Luo people Led by Col . Tito Okello , an Acholi , and Lieut . Colonel. David Oyite - Ojok , a Langi ;
b / - The UNLA section of Bantu people Led by Mr . Paulo Mwanga, a Muganda , and Mr . Yoweri Museveni , a Muhima from Ankole .
c / - The UNLA section of Nilo - Hamitic people Led by Lieut . Col . William Omaria , an Ateso .
4 . 5 . 2 The Tanzania Peoples Defence Forces ( TPDF ) - Soldires from different countries in Africa and outside Africa were assembled in Tanzania under the name of the Tanzania Peoples Defences Forces ( TPDF ) . Placed under the overall umbrella of Tanzania , those TPDF were of three groups :
a / - The TPDF of Tanzanian citizens ;
b / - The TPDF of Non - Tanzanian Africans
c / - The TPDF of Non - Tanzanian Non - Africans .
4 . 6 The UNLA forces under 4 . 5 . 1 , above and the TPDF forces under 4 . 5 . 2 above formed , together , a total force of about 250 , 000 men against the Uganda National Army of about 25 - 30 , 000 men. But some independent reports have estimated the total number of the UNLA and TPDF who participated in fighting the Uganda war of 1978 / 79 to be between 300 , 000 and 350 , 000 men .
4 . 7 According to the planners, this third war was supposed to befought for a maximum of seven weeks before it could led to the overthrow of President Amin and his Regime .Though , officially , the War started in October , 1978 , the first short was actually fired in July , 1978 . So that this third World War , which had been planned to last a maximum of seven weeks , took seven months officially and ten months unofficially.
4 . 8 . It was on April 11th , 1979 , that Kampala, the Capital of Uganda , fell in the hands of the so - called Tanzanian Soldiers, who , in realty , wer different African and Non - African Soldiers under the overall command of Tanzania . The UNLF Excuctive Council was sworn in on April 13 , 1979 , with Mr . Yusuf Lulue as the President of Uganda .
5 . 1 . The immediate consequence of the Uganda War of 1978 / 79 was the progressive , contious and systematic massacre of the Sudanic people ( i.e . Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Ndo , Ke ' bu , Lendu , Logo , ---etc --- ) in the areas that continued to fall under the control of the advancing UNLF and TPDF soldiers . The part played by the civilian population of the East Nile / Uganda in the massacre of the Sudanic people ( men , women and children ) who could not flee was conscpicous , outstanding and undeniable . Either the East Nile / Uganda civilian population themselves massaced the Sudanic people in their Areas using panga - knives in Southern Uganda and spears in Northern Uganda . Or they pointed , indicated or declared the Sudanic peple caught up by the war in their Areas as " Amin ' s people or called gangsters " , to the UNLA AND TPDF clearing forces , i .e . the UNLA and TPDF soldiers left behind to see to it that no enemy , that is to say no Sudanics , remained alive . They was these UNLA and TPDF clering soldiers who short dead the Sudanic people( men , women and children ) who were declared to them as " Amin 's People or Gangsters of Amin " , A JARGON AND EUPHEMISM which was and is being used to designate the Sudanic - Speaking Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Ndu , Ke ' bu , Lendu , Logo , Avukaya , Bari , Moru -- etc ------ from the West Nile / Lado .
5 . 1 . 1 . Those massacres of the Sudanic people ( men , women and children ) continued and went on unabated throughout the year .
5 . 2 LUOLAND ( Acholi , Lango , Alur , --- etc-------- ) :
5 . 2 . 1 All Sudanic people ( Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Ndu , Ke ' bu , Lendu , Logo , etc--- ( men , women , children ) , inclulding pupils in primary and secondary schools and students in colleges and post - secondary institutions of learning were killed in 1979 . No less than 15 , 000 Sudanic people were killed . All their property was either taken or destroyed . For example , the three hundred head of cattle belonging to Dr . Solomon . B . Asea , a physician of the Madindri tribe and a former of Uganda , were all slaughterd by the Acholi people for public feast . Worse still , the wife of Dr . Solomon B. Asea is an Achli , and Dr . Asea himself ended up by being shot dead in his house in Kampala , in 1984 .
5 . 2 . 2 Most of the 15 , 000 or so Sudanic people massacred in Luoland in 1979 were Ma ' di and Aringa
5 . 3 TESO
5 . 3 . 1 In Teso , about 16, 000 Sudanic people ( men , women , and children ) were massacred in 1979 on the orders of Lieut . Colonel William Omaria , Deputy Minister of Defence in the UNLF Government .
5 . 4 . 1 In Ankole and Toro , about 25 , 000 Sudanic people ( men , women , children ) were massacred in 1979 , most of them being workers at the Kilembe Copper Mines . There also about 200 secondary school students killed in the two Areas in 1979 , some of them by their by their fellow students , others were handed over to the UNLA and TPDF clearing soldiers by the Headmasters of their schools .
5 . 5 . BUNYORO
5 . 5 . 1 The figures of the Sudanic people massacred in Bunyoro were modest , just 4 , 000 men , women and children .
5 . 6 . 1 The situation was terrible forthe Sudanic people in Buganda . Over 45 , 000 of them ( men , women , and children ) were masscred in 1979 , mainly by the civilian population using panga - knives in places like Kawolo , Lugazi , Bugerere , Buddu , Luwero , Kawanda , Bwayise , Kabanyolo , Kawempe , Nakulobia , Makerere Kivulu , Kamwokya , -- etc ---
5 . 7 . BUSOGA
5 . 7 . 1 About 25 , 000 Sudanic people were massacred in Busoga in 1979 in 1979 . Most of those people were workers or Labourers at Kakira Sugar Plantation , Jinja Textile Factories , etc ---
5 . 8 . 1 About 10 , 000 Sudanic people were massacred in Bugisu and in Bukedi in 1979 . Many of them were buried in mass graves in Mbale .
5 . 9 . 1 It is only fron Karamoja and Kigezi that there are no reports received about massacres of the Sudanic people .
5 . 10 . WEST NILE / LADO
5 . 10 . 1 The mass Killings of the Sudanic people in West Nile / Lado followed immediately the overthrow of President Godfre Binaisa by the Military Commission of the UNLF on May 12 , 1980 . Those initial killings were the work of Banyankole soldiers belonging to the Bantu Section of the UNLA .
5 . 10 . 2 . Consdering the rivalry for tion between the Luo and Bantu Sections of the UNLA , the Banyankole soldiers belonging to the Bantu Section of the UNLA in the Bondo Barracks , in Vura County , West Nile / Lado , concluded , on hearing the radio announcement about the overthrow of President Binaisa , a Muganda , that their Leader , Mr Yoweri Museveni was killed . Thereafter , they left the Bondo Barracks with their guns and started to massacre the surrounding population , in Vura County .
5 . 10 . 3 . In October , 1980 , there was a planned and organised massacre of the Sudanic people in the Weast Nile / Lado by the UNLA . This massacre operation was commanded and supervised by the UNLA Chief of Staff , Brgadier David Oyite - Ojok , in person . Over 1000 , 000 people ( men , women . children ) were massacred in MA ' di - okollo , Vura , Ayivu , Ofudde , Maraca , Terego , Omogo , Koboko , Aringa .
5 . 10 . 4 In January, 1981 , about 42 , 000 Sudanic people were massacred in East Ma ' di by the Acholi Militia from Ktgum . At the same time , more people were being killed in what was called " Comb Up " operations in places like Kubala in Omogo , Aripea and Ocodri in Terego , Odravu and Lodonga in Aringa , Yivu and Tara in Ofude , Ocoko and Ajia in Vura , Ariwa in O i , Rhino - Camp ( Bura ) in Ma ' di - Ogoko ) , --- etc --- .
5 . 10 . 5 There were also intermittent killings of the Sudanic people everywhere in the West Nile / Lado from January , 1981 . Families ( husband , wife , children were put in their houses and the houses were then set on fire . Churches were packed with people and then set on fire . Anybody who tried to escape was short dead by the UNLF and TPDF . The same thing happened to the Schools . For example sixty ( 60 ) school s were burned alive at Mvara Senior Secondary School .And then , there was the massacre at Ombaci Catholic Mission , where the Staff of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) and of the International Commitee of Red Cross ( ICRC ) were reduced to watch the Carnage as Spectators .
5 . 11 . 1 . By the end of 1962 , the death toll of the Sudanic people ( i . e . the Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Ndu , Ke ' bu , Lendu , Logo , -- etc --- ) in the East / Nile / Uganda and West Nile / Lado had risen to over 200 , 000 men , women and chilldren . By the end of 1983 , this figure had risen to over 250 , 000 .
5 . 11 . 2 There was a general and a total destruction of buildings in West Nile / Lado , ranging from residential houses to hospitals and dispensaries , churches , and mosques , schools , shops and markets , etc ----
5 . 11 . 3 . Crops in stores / grannaries and in the fieds were burned into ashes . Farmland was destroyed as a result of scorched earth military operations . Trees werea also destroyed . The cotton ginneries at Rhino - Camp ( Bura ) and Packwach were blown up and destroyed .
5 . 11 . 4 All domestic animals were killed to mahe feasts for the soldiers . Lizards and rats were all killed in the the belief of the soldiers that the Sdanic people were witches who easily change , configurate themselves into animals . Even the famous remaining species of the White Rhinoceroses and the Elephants of the West Nile / Lado fled to exile and taken refuge in some African Countries .
5 . 11 . 5 . In the statement presented to the Second International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa ( ICARA II ) , in Geneva , Switzerland , July 9 - 11 , 1984 , to request the international community for allocation of U . S . dollars 17 . 1 in respect of tthe West Nile / Lado , the Ugandan Government admitted that its Armed forces had commited the destructions ( summarised under 5 . 11 . above ) Cf . United Nations General Assembly Document A / conf . 125 / 2 , 23 March , 1984 , pp . 187 - 206 .
6 . 1 About 150 , 000 Sudanic people ( Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Ndu , Lendu , Logo , etc --- ) became Displaced within the West Nile / Lado and the East Nli / Uganda . About 600 , 000 of the Sudanic Survivors were forced to flee into exile and became Refugees elsewhere in Africa , in the Sudan , in Zaire / Democratic Republic of Congo and in Kenya , and outside Africa . Thus , the West Nile / LADO became completely Depopulated . by the end of of 1982 .
6 .2 . The immense Majority of the people massacred in the East Nile / UGANDA were Workers or Labourers in the Sugar plantations and Tea estates , in the Coffee , Cotton , Tobacco , and Simsim fields , and in the Mines and Factories . They were not Replaced in all those Enterprises of Production , since the Ethnic peoples of East Nile / Uganda could not do the work they ( the Sudanic people ) used to do .
6 . 3 . Up to 1979 , the West Nile / Lado had been among the Leading Regions of Uganda in the production of crops like cotton , tobacco , groundnuts , simsim , cassava , millet , sorgum , maize , pease , and beans , etc ... . These crops were either exported to help boost Uganda ' s foreign exchange earnings , or used as raw marerials for the textile factories in Jinja , yhe cigarette factories in Jinja and in Kampala , the starch factory in Lira , the ediible oil factories in Jinja and Kawempe . , the Waragi factory in Port Bell , Kampala , etc -- 0r they were consumed internally as food .
6 . 4 . Mr Julius Nyerere ' s action that led to the Massacres of the Sudanic People in the East Nile / Uganda and the De populayion of the West Nile people / Lado has therefore served to deprive Uganda of the Largest part of its Production - agricultural , mineral , industrial . For Uganda lost the Manpower it used to have for its economic Development and Progress . Thus Uganda has become Empoverished and backward - developed to the Level of the Tanzanian Ujamah Villages , from which illiterate , bare - footed Tanzanian men were recruited to takepart in the invasion of Uganda in 1879 .
6 . 4 . 1 . Mr Yoweri Museveni , helped , knowingly , or unknowingly , to accelerrate this backward - development of Uganda through the " Nyumba Kumi "System , he imported from Tanzania as Forign Aid .
6 . 5 Therefore , it is not far - fetched to say that the Major and only intention of the Imternational conspiracies of the past period to Repatriate the Sudanic Refugees into Uganda by force is that those Refugees wouldbe used , upon their forced repatriation to Uganda , to replace the dead Sudanic producerd of agricultural , mineral , and industrial wealth for Uganda . Here was and is the brutal Colonial Politics and Human Violation justified by the the only crave and for profit . The Authority of Lado Government in Exile of the State Kingdom of Lado is against this British -Uganda Political Phylosoph designed for the total destruction and elimination of the Sudanic people.
7 . 1 Role Tanzania
7 . 1 . 1 . The part played by Tanzania in Uganda War of 1978 / 79 was Diplomatic , Strategic and Financial .
7 , 1 . 1 . 1 Diiplomatic : Tanzania was used to organise and conduct the diplomatic campaign against Uganda .
7 . 1 . 1 . 2 Strategic : offered its Land / Territory for training the East / Nile / Ugandan peoples to fight the Sudanic people , and for arranging for the needs and procurements of the weapons and equipments necessary for the war . Tanzania offered its Land / Territory for also assembling an international force for the British Government and the British people to protect thier interests in Uganda . The main areas of their interest in Uganda are Diplomatic and Cultural , Strategic , Economic , and Commercial .
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . Diplomatic and Cultural
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 1 . It must be stated very clearly to starrt with that the core or the Central concept of the British Commonwealth is that the Monarch ( i . e . King or Queen ) of England as the Chief of State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the Head of State of every Member State of the British Commonwealth Contries .
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 2 . Therefore Uganda as a State being a Member of the British Commonwealth , the Queen of England , H . M . Elizabeth II , is the Official and True Head of State ( or Chief of State ) of Uganda . The President of Uganda , being of the same and equal Status as the British Prime Minister , is the Head of Government ( or Chief of Government ) . In short he is the Number Two to Her Majesty the Queen of England .
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 3 . One issue which confuses the ordinary , non Political mentor / mind is the Tactical switch and Compromise of Duties and / or Functions between the Act of Technicality , and Legality and Administration .
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 4 . What is meant by this is that the Membership of the State of Uganda to the British Commonwealth Orgainisation makes her exercise its Independence within the Organisation itself only , as an Independent State equal to the rest of the Member States . But, outside the British Commonwealth Organisation , the Uganda State and this refers to every and each of the British Commonwealth Member States , is not Independent to exercise its Rights and Duties with a full Capacity as a Sovereign State .
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 6 Because its Sovereign Capacity is Invested , Vested and Entrusted to the British State to exercise by the Physical Person of the Monarch of England , who is the True Chief of State of Uganda . Therefore , the Uganda State is a Subordinate State to the British State in International Politics , with Restricted Capacity for Foreign Actions on its own .
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 7 . The Diplomatic advantage of this for Britain is that no other Sovereign State of the World has Rights to deal with Uganda directly without the British O . K , PERMISSION , or CONCURRENCE . And , therefore , this Authorises Britain to organise the Affairs of Uganda in the way that suits best the British National Interests . In this Respect , the Diplomatic control of the Ugandan Affairs , also , gives Rise and Rights to the British to determine the issues of Leadership for Uganda , either by the British choosing the Person to be Leader , or by deciding the kind of Personality who is to be the Head of Government , that is to say the President of Uganda . . And , this means that the Ugandan Leader or President selected by Britain must protect the British Interests in Uganda and owe Allegiance to the Monarch ( i .e King or Queen ) of England as the Sovereign Chief / Head of State of State of Uganda , on the one hand , and to the Governor of the Anlican Church of Uganda , on the other hand . Here , it must be emphasised that the Sovereign Chief / Head of State of Uganda and the Governor of the Anglican Church of Uganda is the Monarch of England .
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 8 The Cultural advantage for Britain is that the Training of the Attitude and Mentor and of its Authorities mst be controlled through the Socio - Cultural traits : The British Language , Religion , some Small favours or Considerations , like , Scholarships and Bursaries , etc --- So the English has become an Instrument for controlling the " Thinking Mind / Mentor " of the peoples of Uganda and Lado and it is this what is called in Uganda . No wonder NO WONDER WHEN THE COUNCIL OF STATE / SUPREME COUNCIL OF STATE / SCS OF UGANDA WAS FORMED IN THE PERIOD OF GENERAL IDI AMIN ADMINISTRATION FROM 1971 TO REPLACE TO REPLACE THE BRITISH SOVEREIGNITY OVER UGANDA , BRITAIN HAD TO DO ONE THING ONLY , THAT WAS AND TO REMOVE IDI AMIN AND HIS ADMINISTRATION FROM UGANDA . THIS IS THE TRUE REASON OF THE WAR ( 1978 / 79 ) AGAINST THE SUDANICS OF EAST NILE / UGANDA FOR BRITAIN TO REINSTATE HER SOVEREIGNITY OVER UGANDA AND TO KEEP LADO STATE UNDER HER CONTROLL BY FORCE .
7 . 2 . 1 . 2 Strategic .
7 . 2 . 1 . 2 . 1 . Uganda and Lado are in a very Strategic position in East Africa for Military purposes , on the one hand , and for the control of the Nile Valley and the Nile Headwaters from Kagera and Lake Nalubale / the so called Lake Victoria in British Language , on the other hand . It was because of these that the events of the period 1880 - 1920 took place between the Britsh and the Lado people ( the Sudanics ) .
7 . 2 . 1 . 2 . 2 The Strategic importance of the Nile Valley for the British was that its control would serve to protect the Sea route through the Indian Ocean to the British trade interests in the Near East and Far East .
7 . 2 . 1 . 2 . 3 At the same time , Uganda and Lado are seen by the British to offer a favourable ground for Military Training , and for the Stationing of British Soldiers for rapid deployment for operations around these Regions where British interests might be in danger and / or might need to be protected . The issue here then in short of a Military ground and logistics convinience for Military operations .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 Economics
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 1 . Uganda and Lado are rich . The land is fertile , the climate excellent with regolar and sufficient rains falling . The British have Vested Economic interests there .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 2 . The main British Economic in Uganda and Lado are the raw materials which are of two types :
a / - Agricultural Products - Coffee , Cotton , Tobacco , Tea , Sugar , etc ---
b / - Mineral Resources - Copper , Tin , Gold , Petroleum , Cement , Asbestors etc -----
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 3 . The avalaibility in Uganda and Lado of rich Land , plenty of water , energy resources such as waterfalls for hydo- electricity , petroleum , solar energy and bio - gas energy , and forests resources for both energy and constructions of different types inclulding buildings made it impossible for the British to leave the peoples of Uganda and Lado on their own .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 4 The Key to the British Economic interests in Uganda and Lado is the control of the Uganda / Lado Monetary and Fiscal Affairs , or Monetary System , so that the Forign Trade of Uganda and Lado is controlled by Britain ..This means that the Independence of Uganda and Lado in International Trade is controlled by Britain .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 5 By controlling the Monetary and Fiscal Affairs of Uganda and Lado , Britain succeeded to controll the free develoment of the National Reserve Fund Buildings , on the one hand , and the Foreign Trade Expansion of Uganda and Lado, on the other hand . The British Economic Interests in Uganda and Lado are protected in this way .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 6 . Hence forcing Uganda and Lado and their peoples to produce what Britain decides to be produced and how much of it to be produced . Through Uganda / Lado ' s Membership to the British Commonwealth Orgaisation , Britain is assured of all the agricultural and mineral resources of Uganda and Lado for her own , British National industries in the U . K . and in other Countries .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 7 . There is a cheap Labour force avalaible in Uganda and Lado to use to produce the agricultural and mineral raw materials needed for transfer to Britain . In otherwards in the Minds of the British , there is avalaible in Uganda and Lado a multitude of Respectable Slaves to be Exploited for the profit of the British people .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 8 Consequently , neither our agricultural resources , mineral resources , Labour resources , nor our waters , trees , and mountains are to be surrendered to the British people . On top of this , the same British turn around to insult us on this planet that they call the Earth " We do not know anything in the part of Africa . " .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 9 . In the end the only advantage from the Memmership to be part of Commonwealth Organisation is the Broad Day - Light Robbery of our Natural and Human Resources for the British people to enjoy ., while our own people are left to die every day of Hunger , Poverty , Diseases . In this way , our own people are converted into a Community of Assisted men
7 . 2 . 1 . 4 Cmmercial
7 . 2 . 1 . 4 . 1 . Britain does everything to control Uganda and Lado to protect the MARKETS for the British products and for the empolyment of the British people .
7 . 2 . 1 . 4 . 2 Uganda and Lado are a favourable market for the British manufactured goods . This is known as a GOODS MARKET .
7 . 2 . 1 . 4 . 3 . With its excellent climate , Uganda and Lado are converted by the British people as a Land to live in . Thus Uganda and Lado are a favourable Labour Market for the empolyment of the British people to work in .
7 . 2 . 1 . 4 . 4 Uganda and Lado are in addition a favourable Service Market for the Services rendered by the British professionals of all grounds and walks of life : - Lwyers , Bankers , Traders , Importers , Accountants , Physicians , Dentits , Nurses , Teachers , Engineers , Tour Operators , etc -------
7 . 3 . 1 To protect her Diplomatic and Cultural , Strategic , Economic , and Commercial interests in Uganda and Lado , Britain is always involved in all sorts of manipulations to control the Affairs of Uganda and Lado . The invasion of Uganda and Lado in 1978 / 79 by an International force of about 250 , 000 African and Non - African Soldiers operating from the soil of Tanzania was the result of those manipulations by Britain .
7 . 3 . 2 . The Invasion was organised and conducted from the soil of Tanzania because its Head of Government , President Julius Nyerere , was an Obedient Child of the British Commonwealth family , obeying the orders of the British Commonwealth family , Her Majesty the Queen of England .
7 . 3 . 3 By putting all the rsources of his Country at the disposal of Foreign Interests to attack Uganda and Lado , a negbouring African Country , Julius Nyerere , who took pride and always believed in being a Socialist Man and President , acted as an embodiment of the collusion between Imperialism and Socialism . And , he still claimed to be the Father of Africa . Where on earth does a Father sell his own Children to the others as Slaves ?
8 . 1 . The overall view of the Sudanic people of Lado and through the voice of the Sudanic Refugee Orgainisation and the Government in Exile of the State Kingdom of Lado and seen the events going on in Uganda and Lado since the invasion of Uganda and Lado in 1978 / 79 whereby large - scale killings of the trained manpwer of Uganda and Lado and whereby the peasants were also being killed and with the destruction of schools , hospitals , farmlands and crops , Uganda and Lado were being reduced to wretched dependence and mediocrty on this earth . In fact , since the overthrow of Idi Amin and his Regime , the Uganda Shillings got devalued from S hs . 7 / = to one U. S . dollar to Sh s . 2 , 500 / = to one U . S dollar in the International Money markets by the end of November 1985 . But , still today the devalution figures are tremendously astronomic . In this way , the agricultural and mineral products of Uganda today are being taken away free of charge by the Foreign Interests for whom President Julius Nyerere invaded Uganda and Lado .. This is a Broad Day - Light Robbery of the Resources of Uganda and Lado . Mr . Julius Nyerere was used as a Respectable African Head in this unprecedente bloodshed in Uganda . Poverty and Human misery have reached proportions never known of before in the History of Uganda and Lado . Today the peoples of Uganda and Lado ARE BEING ENSLAVED on their own soils to produce cheap agricultural goods for the British industries in the U . K and elsewhere . And , Uganda and Lado have become a dumbing site for the British Goods , Services , and Personnel . And yet , if Julius Nyerere had been a True African , and a True African Leader , he would have understood that his own offspring and his country had and would have everything to gain from a Uganda that was and is free than from a Uganda THAT IS AS BEGGARLY AS TANZANIA AND DEPEDENT .
8 . 1 . 1 . It is clearly therefore to note that since from the war which started from 1978 / 79 on the Sudanic people , the war is in its protracted form : in Political , Diplomatic and Military still . The Sudanics therefore are still in the war against them till today . In the Diplomatic manner the Brtish Agents and through their Country Allies are forcing on some Ladoan ( Sudanic People ) to sign now what they say and term it to be reconciliation Agreements with Ugandan Government . What is there to reconcile on ? What is that Crime the Sudanic People from West / Lado committed against Ugandans - East Nile / Uganda .now the The British Tricks are being well exposed now to Rule Lado through Uganda .
Posted by LADO to ugandan-community in canada at 8:49 AM Re. Artical Part recieve and I Forwarded. Very Interesting. all Doccumented. Bravo.
In 1890 Britain leased the LADO ENCLAVE (Sudan) to King Leopold of Belgium, in return for a corridor betwee n Lake Albert Edward and Lake Tanganyika ), in the so-called MACKINNON TREATY - in an attempt to link up the Cape to Cairo railway (connected by steamer across Lake Tanganyika). Germany protested against this arrangement; the treaty never was ratified.
In 1908, the Lado Enclave, which in fact never before had been under British administration, but as forming part of the Nile Basin was within British territorial claim, "reverted" to British rule and was, for the most part, administratively incorporated into the Sudan (1910), as were parts of Ugandan territory (Gondokoro); only the southern tip of the Lado Enclave was integrated into Uganda.
Why Does Britain Hate General Idi Amin From Lado , One Time President Of Uganda ?
Since President Apolo Miltone Obote ' s Coup d ' Etat on 24th January 1971 , Sunday night , failed -------- and the Counter Coup d ' 'Etat of 25th January 1971 , led by Sergent - Major Musa a Sudanic Lugbari , succeeded then on the same day at 15 hours of the day January 1971 the overthrow of the announced on the National Radio of Uganda by the Warrant Officer II Sam Wilfred Asua , a Sudanic Lugbari thus giving the 18 reasons for causing the Struggle and Affirming that the change over of the Government was a result of Self - Defence ------- against a total extermination against the Sudanic tribes of Uganda by the Nilotic tribes of Uganda as stipulted by Mr . Obote himself before he left for Singapore .
Futhermore on the same day of January 1971 , a Military Junta was formed and Negotions for a Military Head of Government was searched and negotiated . During the same day and the same period , there were not many Senior Military Officers of Sudanic Tribes .However there were only four who were in Uganda and one was outside Uganda . And those four in Uganda were : Major General Idi Amin who by then was under House Arrest , Colonel Juma Musa who was the Commander of Uganda Air Force , Lieutenant Colonel Ernest Obitre Gama who by then was Commander of Para - Troop Battalion , and LIeutenant Colonel Michael Odonga who was the Commander of Magamaga Battalion ( Logistics ) . While Colonel John Bart Agami was in France as a Political Refugee .
According to the Military tradition and usual Military Etiquette the former Commander of the Uganda Armed Forces , Major General Idi Amin Dada , was chosen to be the Head of the Military Government of Uganda --------- with Lieutenant Colonel Ernest Obitre Gama as the Minister of Internal Affairs . And Lieutenant Michel Odonga as Ambassodor to USSR , and Major Michel Ombia as High Commissioner to India . In addition , all the Permanent Secretaries of respective Ministries were promoted to Ministers of their Ministries : ( a ) Ministry of Natural Resources and Animal Husbandry which was given to Mr . Erinayo . W. Oryiema Inspector General of Uganda Police Force who was a Nilotic Acholi tribe as a Minister . ( b ) The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry was given to Mr . Fabiano Okyera , Commissioner of Uganda Prisons Force who was also a Nilotic Acholi tribe as Mr . Oryema . And for the Nilotic Alur our Neighbours in the Region of West Nile , Mr . Severrino Ovonji who was the the Dierctor General of the East African Harbours Corporation was appointed the Minister of Public Services and Cabinet Affairs . . While Mr . Jino Geria, Chief Statistian of the East African Customs and Exercises was appointed Secretary to the Treasury , Ministry of Finance . And a propasal to create a Council of State to replace the Queen of England as the Chief of State ( Head of State ) of Uganda , thus reclaiming back our ( Uganda ' s ) Sovereignty which Britain refused to relinguish since 1962 .
The first Cabinet of Ministers of the Military Government composed of the 18 ( eighteen ) Ministers of Senior Cabinet Rank . All Ministers were of Bantu Tribes except four Ministers ( Mr . Erinayo Oryiema , Mr . Fabiano Okwera , Mr . Wilson Lutara , and Mr . Severino Ovonji who are Nilotic / Luo Tribes -------- while the only Minisster of Sudanic Tribes was Lieutenant Colonel Earnst Obitre Gama . Officially , Major General Idi Amin Dada was the Head of Military Government and Commander - in - Chief of the Armed Forces inclulding the Minister of Defence . So there were only two Sudanics .
Of all the Ugandan Ambassodors and High Commissioners to Foreign Countries or States , there were only two Sudanics appointed in 1971 : Lieutenant Colonel Michael Odonga as Ambassodor to USSR and Major Michael Ombia as High Commissioner to India .
The rest of the Ambassodors and High Commssioners were from Bantu Tribes . And most of the Permanent Secretaries were also Bantu .
The Directors of the most important State Agencies were headed in 1971 , by the Bantu Tribes except two directors who are not Bantu :
( 1 ) Acting Chief of Staff , Uganda Armed Forces : Lieutenant Colonel Frances Nyangweso from Samia Tribe , Bukedi District , Eastern Region .
( 2 ) Chief Secretary to the Treasury , Ministry of Finance: Mr Jino Geria from Sudanic Lugbari , West Nile Region -
( 3 ) Goevrnor , Bank of Uganda : Mr . Joseph Mubira , Bantu / Muganda -
( 4 ) Chief Justice , High Court of Uganda : Mr . Benedicto Kiwanuka , Bantu / Muganda or a Ganda Tribe , Bugunda Region -
( Vice Chancellor , Makerere University : Mr. Francis Kaimuzu . Bantu Tribe . Western Region -
And most of the State Agencies of Lesser importance , and also many State Corporations ( sometimes known as Parastatal Bodies ) and many important corporations and Private Corporations and Companies and Banking Institutiions and Education Institutions were headed by the Bantu Tribes compared to the other Ethinic Groups such as Nilotics , Sudanics , Hamatics and others .
The Supreme Council / SMC is what is commonly referred to as the Defence Council . Its Chairman , since 1971 was the Head of Military Government - Major General Idi Amin - and its own Secretary was Captain Emilio Mondo. While every Senior Military Officer and all Battalion Commanders and other Heads of Military Units and Security Units inclulding the Police Force / Prisons Force are Members of the Council . ( NB : TITLES AND RANKS ARE ALL THOSE OF THE AT THE TIME OF APPOINTMENT OF THE INDIVIDUAL PERSON ) .
The Council of State is also known as the Supreme Council of State / SCS . It was composed of five Members and with a Secretary :
( 1 ) Major General Idi Amin Dada , Kakua Tribe / Sudanic , Chairman
( 2 ) Colonel John Bart Agami , Lugbari Tribe / Sudanic , Secretary .
( 3 ) Lieutenant Colonel Earnst Obitre Gama , Lugbari Tribe / Sudanic
( 4 ) Major Charles Arube , Kakua Tribe / Sudanic
( 5 ) Lieutanant Ali Moses , Ma 'di Tribe / Sudanic .
These five physical persons were to be the Joint Chief of State for Uganda to replace the Queen of England who was the Chief of Uganda since 1962 .
March 1971 . Entebbe , Uganda The Soverign State of Uganda
contanct :
Earth Scorched Military Operation On Lado In Africa - 1978 / 79 Till Today
2 . MOSHI CONFERENCE - March 23 - 29 , 1979 :
2 . 1 . Aims and purposes
2 . 2 . Implications
2 . 3 . Outcome
3 . 1 . Raison d ' e^tre
3 . 2 . Formation
3 . 3 . Revenge Philosophy
4 . THE UGANDA WAR - 1978 / 1979
5 . 2 . Luo Land
5 . 3 . Teso
5 . 4 . Ankole and Toro
5 . 5 Bunyoro
5 . 6 . Buganda
5 . 7 . Busoga
5 . 8 . Bugisu and Bukedi
5 . 9 . Karamojo and Kigezi
5 .10 . West Nile / Lado
5 . 11 . 0verall Destruction in West Nile Lado .
7 . 1 . Role of Tanzania
7 . 2 . What did Tanzania gain as a Country
7 . 3 . British Interests in Uganda
7. 3 . 1 . 1 . Diplomatic and Cultural
7 . 3 . 1 . 2 . Strategic
7 . 3 . 1 . 3 . Economic
7 . 3 . 1 . 4 . Commercial
7 . 4 . Tanzanian Involvement in the Uganda War , 1976 / 79
( The Shaning of President Mr Julius Nyerere of Tanzania ) .
1. 1 In October, 1978 , the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, headed by President Julius . K . Nyerere as the Chief Execuctive Athourity , declared war on Uganda Officially . President Nyerere justified his action with the argument that he had been requested by the peoples of Uganda to overthrow President Idi Amin of Uganda , whom he accused of mismanaging Uganda . The delegates of the Peoples of Uganda , in whose name President Nyerere invaded Uganda , assembled in the Tanzanian town of Moshi , where they elaborated the Political justification to President Nyerere 's action against Uganda .
1 . 2 The writing of this paper here aims to bring out briefly the implications and the consequences of President Nyerere 's action for Uganda as a land and as a multinational community of African men .
2 . MOSHI CONFERENCE - March 23 - 29 , 1979 :
2 . 1 . Aims and Purposes
2 . 1 . 1 The Moshi Conference was attended by the delegates of the Peoples of the East Nile / Uganda , namely the Bantu people , the Luo / Nilotic people , the Nilo - Hamatic people and others who are of non - African origines . The Sudanic people of the West Nile / Lado ( i .e . the Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Lendu , Logo , Ndu , Avukaya , Bari , Muru , Gbanda o , Mundu --- etc --- ) were not required, therefore not invited , to attend it . It was held in Moshi , Tanzania , during the period of March 23 - 29 , 1979 . The Aim and Purposes were as follows :
a / - To remove President Idi Amin and his Regime from power in Uganda :
b / - To re - establish Democracy in Uganda without the West Nile / Lado which had been recognised as the Lado State by the International Community in 1892 before it became a Confederate State with the Uganda State in 1926 . , thirty two ( 32 ) years after the Uganda State had been created by the British in April , in 1894 . and thirty four ( 34 ) years after it had been recognised by the International Community in September 1892 :
c / - To re - establish the National Independence of Uganda .
2 . 2 . 1 The implication of 2 . 1 . 1 ( b ) above is that the West Nile / Lado was not needed in , and was not to be considered as part of Uganda . And the implication of 2 . 1 . 1 ( c ) above is that Uganda was not independent during the eight - years period of 1971 - 1979 , when it was ruled by the Sudanic People of West Nile / Lado with General Idi Amin , a Sudanic speaking Kakua as the President .This implication means , in turn that the Sudanic Speaking people of the West Nile / Lado are considered Foreigners in Uganda .
2 . 2 . 2 . It follows that the Idi Amin Regime was to be removed in Uganda , not because it was a regime of Military Dictatorship as was officially stated , but because , in the minds of the Delegates at the Moshi Conference of March , 1979 , it was a Regime of Foreigners from the West Nile / Lado .
2 . 3 . OUTCOME
2 . 3 . 1 The outcome of the Moshi Agreement Conference of 1979 was / is the Uganda National Liberation Front ( UNLF ) , which consisted of three Organs :
a / - An Executive Council , headed by Mr . Yusuf . K . Lulue a Muganda tribe Muslim who turned out later to be a Protestant :
b / - A legislative Councilknown as the National Consultative ( NCC ) , headed by Mr . Edward Rugumayo, a Mutoro from Western Region .
c / - A military council , which was refered to as the Militaru Commission or the Military Wing of the UNLF and which was headed by Mr . Paulo Mwanga , a Muganda .
3 .1 . Raison d ' e^tre
3 . 1. 1 Attended by the delegates of twenty eight ( 28 ) political groups representing the peoples of the East Nile / Uganda and who assembled in Moshi , Tanzania, during the period March 23v - 29 , 1979 , and placed under the Chairmanshipof Associate Professor Tarsis B . Kabyegyere , a Muhiru from Ankole , the UNLF aimed to unite and organise the ethnic peoples of the East Nile / Uganda against the Sudanics Ethnic people ( i.e Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Ndu , Kebu , Lendu , Logo , ---- etc ---- of the West Nile / Lado , with a view to overthrowing the Idi Amin Regime . It was intended also against the Muslims or the Sympathisers and Collaborators of the Islamic Faith in the East Nile / Uganda and the West Nile / Lado .
3 .1 .2 The Tanzanian Government of Mr . Julius Nyerere offered the Tanania Peoples Defence Forces ( tpdf ) , as well as the Land of Tanzania to be used by more forces from some other Countries in Africa and outside Africa , for the Operations .Both the TPDF and the Non - Tanzanian forces from Africa and outside Africa took part in fighting the 1978 / 79 Uganda war to overthrow President Idi Amin and his Regime .
3. 2 . 1 . The Uganda National Liberation Front ( UNLF ) was formed by the Luo / Nilotic people ( i.e . the Acholi , Lango - Omiru , Alur , -- etc --- ) , the Bantu people ( i. e . the Baganda , Basoga , Banyakole , Batoro , Bakiga , , Bagisu , Banyaro , --- etc --- and the Nile - Hamatic people ( i . e . the Ateso , Karamajong , Lango - Dyang , --- etc --- ) , all of them from the East Nile / Uganda , to fight the Sudanic people of the West Nile / Lado . ( i .e . the Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Ndu , Ke ' bu , Lendu , Logo , --- etc --- ) and the Muslims in the East Nile / Uganda and West Nile / Lado .
3 . 2 . 2 There were intenxely organised diplomatic manoevours under the name of the Republic of Tanzania with Mr . Julius Nyerere as the Chief Executive Authority to coordinate , and in whose name the overall operations of the Uganda war on the Sudanics of 1978 / 79 were conducted by Non - Tanzanians from outside the Continent of Africa .
3 . 2 . 3 . Many Countrues in the other continents, namely , Europe , America , Asia and Ocenia, participated very effectivelyin various capacities and abilities in support of the UNLF in the Uganda war of 1978 / 79 against the Sudanic people of the West Nile / Lado , who are regarded in Uganda as Foreigners due to the fact they had been part of ZAIRE / ( CONGO ) , known then as the Congo Free State ., and the Sudan between 1892 and 1920 , before their Association with Uganda - British Protectorate . which became effective in 1926 following the five years War of 1914 - 1919 between Lugbari and the British .
3 . 3 . 1 It was during the last quarter of 19th Centuary , when European Colonial powers were rushing to grab any piece of Land they could fimd in Africa , that the Sudanic people came into contact with the British people .Ever since that period , the relations between the Sudanic people and the British people are conflictual . For the Sudanic have been awaret hat the Britsh people are all out to gtab and occupy their Land . The following events are the illustrations of the conflictual nature of the Anglo - Sudanic Relations :
a / - 1880 - 1882 The attack of the Sudanic people by a British force commanded by Lieutanant - Colonel - William Hicks . The attack was beaten off in 1882 . Of the 11, 000 invading soldiiers , about 200 got away alive .
b / - 1884 The expulsion by Commadant Karram Allah from Lado town of a foreign administration of occupation with Dr Edward Schnditzner , an Austrian who was in the serice of Britain and who iscommonly known in history as Dr Emin Pasha , as the head . There after , Dr Emin Pasha set up another administration of foreign occupation in Wadelai .
c / - 1889 : The explusion by Commadant Fadh - el - Mula Aga . a Lugbari tribe , of the second administration of foreign occupation set up by Dr . Emin Pasha .in Wadelai .
d / - 1896 - 1899 : The Lado War , commonly known in History as the Mahdist War , in which the British forces were commanded by Gen . Horatio Kitcherner .
e / - 1897 - 1900 : The Sudanese Mutiny , sometimes known as the Uganda Mutiny , by the Sudanic Solduers . As a result of it , Commanant Bilal Amin ( Grand Father of Idi Amin Awong Dada who became President of Uganda in 1971 ) was executed by the British for having refused to fight his own people Sudanics in North Lado and to be used to kill the Ganda people for nothing .
f / - 1914 - 1919 : The Lugbari - British War
3. 3 . 2 The scats of these confrontations are still visible today . No suprise that anything connected with the Sudanic people stings for the British people . It makes them tick . They always search to destroy the Sudanic people in revenge . That is why the name of General Idi Amin was used as a pretext to massacre the Sudanic people in Uganda from 1979 ..
4 . 1 The details of this British Uganda war on Lado of 1978 / 79 will not be given in this article here . . They are already available in the report on the war . Here , only a few events will be pointed out to clarify both the points raised and our position as the Sudanic people .
4 . 2 The war simply refered to as Uganda War of 1978 / 79 could faintly be called the Third World War, in the sense that the whole world participated in the struggle in one way or another , with Kampala representing Berlin . Mr . Cyrus Vance , U .S . Secretary of State , stated that the War was costing U . S . dollars one million a day .
4 . 3 The cause of the war , in reality and in its totality , can be divided into three parts :
a / _ Foreign economic Interests in Uganda ,
b / - Revenge against the Sudanic people of the West Nile / Lado ;
c / - Hatred for the Sudanic people of the West Nile / Lado , who are considered by the ethic peoples of the East Nile / Uganda as Foreigners in , therefore unacceptable to rule Uganda ;
4 . 4 These three causes Led the Bantu people , the Luo / Nilotic , the Nilo - Hamitic people and others who are of Non - African origines , diplomatically backed up , supported , covered and pushed forward by Britain , the ( former ) colonising power , and organised into a fighting force known as the Uganda National Liberation Army ( UNLA ) , to declare war on Uganda occupied by the Sudanic people of Lado in 1979 .
4 . 5 . 1 The War is considered as the third war because all the Continents of the World , namely Africa , Europe , Asia , America and Ocenia , participated in it in one way or another . The invading forces consisted of the two following groups :
a / - The UNLA section of Luo people Led by Col . Tito Okello , an Acholi , and Lieut . Colonel. David Oyite - Ojok , a Langi ;
b / - The UNLA section of Bantu people Led by Mr . Paulo Mwanga, a Muganda , and Mr . Yoweri Museveni , a Muhima from Ankole .
c / - The UNLA section of Nilo - Hamitic people Led by Lieut . Col . William Omaria , an Ateso .
4 . 5 . 2 The Tanzania Peoples Defence Forces ( TPDF ) - Soldires from different countries in Africa and outside Africa were assembled in Tanzania under the name of the Tanzania Peoples Defences Forces ( TPDF ) . Placed under the overall umbrella of Tanzania , those TPDF were of three groups :
a / - The TPDF of Tanzanian citizens ;
b / - The TPDF of Non - Tanzanian Africans
c / - The TPDF of Non - Tanzanian Non - Africans .
4 . 6 The UNLA forces under 4 . 5 . 1 , above and the TPDF forces under 4 . 5 . 2 above formed , together , a total force of about 250 , 000 men against the Uganda National Army of about 25 - 30 , 000 men. But some independent reports have estimated the total number of the UNLA and TPDF who participated in fighting the Uganda war of 1978 / 79 to be between 300 , 000 and 350 , 000 men .
4 . 7 According to the planners, this third war was supposed to befought for a maximum of seven weeks before it could led to the overthrow of President Amin and his Regime .Though , officially , the War started in October , 1978 , the first short was actually fired in July , 1978 . So that this third World War , which had been planned to last a maximum of seven weeks , took seven months officially and ten months unofficially.
4 . 8 . It was on April 11th , 1979 , that Kampala, the Capital of Uganda , fell in the hands of the so - called Tanzanian Soldiers, who , in realty , wer different African and Non - African Soldiers under the overall command of Tanzania . The UNLF Excuctive Council was sworn in on April 13 , 1979 , with Mr . Yusuf Lulue as the President of Uganda .
5 . 1 . The immediate consequence of the Uganda War of 1978 / 79 was the progressive , contious and systematic massacre of the Sudanic people ( i.e . Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Ndo , Ke ' bu , Lendu , Logo , ---etc --- ) in the areas that continued to fall under the control of the advancing UNLF and TPDF soldiers . The part played by the civilian population of the East Nile / Uganda in the massacre of the Sudanic people ( men , women and children ) who could not flee was conscpicous , outstanding and undeniable . Either the East Nile / Uganda civilian population themselves massaced the Sudanic people in their Areas using panga - knives in Southern Uganda and spears in Northern Uganda . Or they pointed , indicated or declared the Sudanic peple caught up by the war in their Areas as " Amin ' s people or called gangsters " , to the UNLA AND TPDF clearing forces , i .e . the UNLA and TPDF soldiers left behind to see to it that no enemy , that is to say no Sudanics , remained alive . They was these UNLA and TPDF clering soldiers who short dead the Sudanic people( men , women and children ) who were declared to them as " Amin 's People or Gangsters of Amin " , A JARGON AND EUPHEMISM which was and is being used to designate the Sudanic - Speaking Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Ndu , Ke ' bu , Lendu , Logo , Avukaya , Bari , Moru -- etc ------ from the West Nile / Lado .
5 . 1 . 1 . Those massacres of the Sudanic people ( men , women and children ) continued and went on unabated throughout the year .
5 . 2 LUOLAND ( Acholi , Lango , Alur , --- etc-------- ) :
5 . 2 . 1 All Sudanic people ( Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Ndu , Ke ' bu , Lendu , Logo , etc--- ( men , women , children ) , inclulding pupils in primary and secondary schools and students in colleges and post - secondary institutions of learning were killed in 1979 . No less than 15 , 000 Sudanic people were killed . All their property was either taken or destroyed . For example , the three hundred head of cattle belonging to Dr . Solomon . B . Asea , a physician of the Madindri tribe and a former of Uganda , were all slaughterd by the Acholi people for public feast . Worse still , the wife of Dr . Solomon B. Asea is an Achli , and Dr . Asea himself ended up by being shot dead in his house in Kampala , in 1984 .
5 . 2 . 2 Most of the 15 , 000 or so Sudanic people massacred in Luoland in 1979 were Ma ' di and Aringa
5 . 3 TESO
5 . 3 . 1 In Teso , about 16, 000 Sudanic people ( men , women , and children ) were massacred in 1979 on the orders of Lieut . Colonel William Omaria , Deputy Minister of Defence in the UNLF Government .
5 . 4 . 1 In Ankole and Toro , about 25 , 000 Sudanic people ( men , women , children ) were massacred in 1979 , most of them being workers at the Kilembe Copper Mines . There also about 200 secondary school students killed in the two Areas in 1979 , some of them by their by their fellow students , others were handed over to the UNLA and TPDF clearing soldiers by the Headmasters of their schools .
5 . 5 . BUNYORO
5 . 5 . 1 The figures of the Sudanic people massacred in Bunyoro were modest , just 4 , 000 men , women and children .
5 . 6 . 1 The situation was terrible forthe Sudanic people in Buganda . Over 45 , 000 of them ( men , women , and children ) were masscred in 1979 , mainly by the civilian population using panga - knives in places like Kawolo , Lugazi , Bugerere , Buddu , Luwero , Kawanda , Bwayise , Kabanyolo , Kawempe , Nakulobia , Makerere Kivulu , Kamwokya , -- etc ---
5 . 7 . BUSOGA
5 . 7 . 1 About 25 , 000 Sudanic people were massacred in Busoga in 1979 in 1979 . Most of those people were workers or Labourers at Kakira Sugar Plantation , Jinja Textile Factories , etc ---
5 . 8 . 1 About 10 , 000 Sudanic people were massacred in Bugisu and in Bukedi in 1979 . Many of them were buried in mass graves in Mbale .
5 . 9 . 1 It is only fron Karamoja and Kigezi that there are no reports received about massacres of the Sudanic people .
5 . 10 . WEST NILE / LADO
5 . 10 . 1 The mass Killings of the Sudanic people in West Nile / Lado followed immediately the overthrow of President Godfre Binaisa by the Military Commission of the UNLF on May 12 , 1980 . Those initial killings were the work of Banyankole soldiers belonging to the Bantu Section of the UNLA .
5 . 10 . 2 . Consdering the rivalry for tion between the Luo and Bantu Sections of the UNLA , the Banyankole soldiers belonging to the Bantu Section of the UNLA in the Bondo Barracks , in Vura County , West Nile / Lado , concluded , on hearing the radio announcement about the overthrow of President Binaisa , a Muganda , that their Leader , Mr Yoweri Museveni was killed . Thereafter , they left the Bondo Barracks with their guns and started to massacre the surrounding population , in Vura County .
5 . 10 . 3 . In October , 1980 , there was a planned and organised massacre of the Sudanic people in the Weast Nile / Lado by the UNLA . This massacre operation was commanded and supervised by the UNLA Chief of Staff , Brgadier David Oyite - Ojok , in person . Over 1000 , 000 people ( men , women . children ) were massacred in MA ' di - okollo , Vura , Ayivu , Ofudde , Maraca , Terego , Omogo , Koboko , Aringa .
5 . 10 . 4 In January, 1981 , about 42 , 000 Sudanic people were massacred in East Ma ' di by the Acholi Militia from Ktgum . At the same time , more people were being killed in what was called " Comb Up " operations in places like Kubala in Omogo , Aripea and Ocodri in Terego , Odravu and Lodonga in Aringa , Yivu and Tara in Ofude , Ocoko and Ajia in Vura , Ariwa in O i , Rhino - Camp ( Bura ) in Ma ' di - Ogoko ) , --- etc --- .
5 . 10 . 5 There were also intermittent killings of the Sudanic people everywhere in the West Nile / Lado from January , 1981 . Families ( husband , wife , children were put in their houses and the houses were then set on fire . Churches were packed with people and then set on fire . Anybody who tried to escape was short dead by the UNLF and TPDF . The same thing happened to the Schools . For example sixty ( 60 ) school s were burned alive at Mvara Senior Secondary School .And then , there was the massacre at Ombaci Catholic Mission , where the Staff of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) and of the International Commitee of Red Cross ( ICRC ) were reduced to watch the Carnage as Spectators .
5 . 11 . 1 . By the end of 1962 , the death toll of the Sudanic people ( i . e . the Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Ndu , Ke ' bu , Lendu , Logo , -- etc --- ) in the East / Nile / Uganda and West Nile / Lado had risen to over 200 , 000 men , women and chilldren . By the end of 1983 , this figure had risen to over 250 , 000 .
5 . 11 . 2 There was a general and a total destruction of buildings in West Nile / Lado , ranging from residential houses to hospitals and dispensaries , churches , and mosques , schools , shops and markets , etc ----
5 . 11 . 3 . Crops in stores / grannaries and in the fieds were burned into ashes . Farmland was destroyed as a result of scorched earth military operations . Trees werea also destroyed . The cotton ginneries at Rhino - Camp ( Bura ) and Packwach were blown up and destroyed .
5 . 11 . 4 All domestic animals were killed to mahe feasts for the soldiers . Lizards and rats were all killed in the the belief of the soldiers that the Sdanic people were witches who easily change , configurate themselves into animals . Even the famous remaining species of the White Rhinoceroses and the Elephants of the West Nile / Lado fled to exile and taken refuge in some African Countries .
5 . 11 . 5 . In the statement presented to the Second International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa ( ICARA II ) , in Geneva , Switzerland , July 9 - 11 , 1984 , to request the international community for allocation of U . S . dollars 17 . 1 in respect of tthe West Nile / Lado , the Ugandan Government admitted that its Armed forces had commited the destructions ( summarised under 5 . 11 . above ) Cf . United Nations General Assembly Document A / conf . 125 / 2 , 23 March , 1984 , pp . 187 - 206 .
6 . 1 About 150 , 000 Sudanic people ( Lugbari , Ma ' di , Kakua , Ndu , Lendu , Logo , etc --- ) became Displaced within the West Nile / Lado and the East Nli / Uganda . About 600 , 000 of the Sudanic Survivors were forced to flee into exile and became Refugees elsewhere in Africa , in the Sudan , in Zaire / Democratic Republic of Congo and in Kenya , and outside Africa . Thus , the West Nile / LADO became completely Depopulated . by the end of of 1982 .
6 .2 . The immense Majority of the people massacred in the East Nile / UGANDA were Workers or Labourers in the Sugar plantations and Tea estates , in the Coffee , Cotton , Tobacco , and Simsim fields , and in the Mines and Factories . They were not Replaced in all those Enterprises of Production , since the Ethnic peoples of East Nile / Uganda could not do the work they ( the Sudanic people ) used to do .
6 . 3 . Up to 1979 , the West Nile / Lado had been among the Leading Regions of Uganda in the production of crops like cotton , tobacco , groundnuts , simsim , cassava , millet , sorgum , maize , pease , and beans , etc ... . These crops were either exported to help boost Uganda ' s foreign exchange earnings , or used as raw marerials for the textile factories in Jinja , yhe cigarette factories in Jinja and in Kampala , the starch factory in Lira , the ediible oil factories in Jinja and Kawempe . , the Waragi factory in Port Bell , Kampala , etc -- 0r they were consumed internally as food .
6 . 4 . Mr Julius Nyerere ' s action that led to the Massacres of the Sudanic People in the East Nile / Uganda and the De populayion of the West Nile people / Lado has therefore served to deprive Uganda of the Largest part of its Production - agricultural , mineral , industrial . For Uganda lost the Manpower it used to have for its economic Development and Progress . Thus Uganda has become Empoverished and backward - developed to the Level of the Tanzanian Ujamah Villages , from which illiterate , bare - footed Tanzanian men were recruited to takepart in the invasion of Uganda in 1879 .
6 . 4 . 1 . Mr Yoweri Museveni , helped , knowingly , or unknowingly , to accelerrate this backward - development of Uganda through the " Nyumba Kumi "System , he imported from Tanzania as Forign Aid .
6 . 5 Therefore , it is not far - fetched to say that the Major and only intention of the Imternational conspiracies of the past period to Repatriate the Sudanic Refugees into Uganda by force is that those Refugees wouldbe used , upon their forced repatriation to Uganda , to replace the dead Sudanic producerd of agricultural , mineral , and industrial wealth for Uganda . Here was and is the brutal Colonial Politics and Human Violation justified by the the only crave and for profit . The Authority of Lado Government in Exile of the State Kingdom of Lado is against this British -Uganda Political Phylosoph designed for the total destruction and elimination of the Sudanic people.
7 . 1 Role Tanzania
7 . 1 . 1 . The part played by Tanzania in Uganda War of 1978 / 79 was Diplomatic , Strategic and Financial .
7 , 1 . 1 . 1 Diiplomatic : Tanzania was used to organise and conduct the diplomatic campaign against Uganda .
7 . 1 . 1 . 2 Strategic : offered its Land / Territory for training the East / Nile / Ugandan peoples to fight the Sudanic people , and for arranging for the needs and procurements of the weapons and equipments necessary for the war . Tanzania offered its Land / Territory for also assembling an international force for the British Government and the British people to protect thier interests in Uganda . The main areas of their interest in Uganda are Diplomatic and Cultural , Strategic , Economic , and Commercial .
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . Diplomatic and Cultural
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 1 . It must be stated very clearly to starrt with that the core or the Central concept of the British Commonwealth is that the Monarch ( i . e . King or Queen ) of England as the Chief of State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the Head of State of every Member State of the British Commonwealth Contries .
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 2 . Therefore Uganda as a State being a Member of the British Commonwealth , the Queen of England , H . M . Elizabeth II , is the Official and True Head of State ( or Chief of State ) of Uganda . The President of Uganda , being of the same and equal Status as the British Prime Minister , is the Head of Government ( or Chief of Government ) . In short he is the Number Two to Her Majesty the Queen of England .
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 3 . One issue which confuses the ordinary , non Political mentor / mind is the Tactical switch and Compromise of Duties and / or Functions between the Act of Technicality , and Legality and Administration .
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 4 . What is meant by this is that the Membership of the State of Uganda to the British Commonwealth Orgainisation makes her exercise its Independence within the Organisation itself only , as an Independent State equal to the rest of the Member States . But, outside the British Commonwealth Organisation , the Uganda State and this refers to every and each of the British Commonwealth Member States , is not Independent to exercise its Rights and Duties with a full Capacity as a Sovereign State .
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 6 Because its Sovereign Capacity is Invested , Vested and Entrusted to the British State to exercise by the Physical Person of the Monarch of England , who is the True Chief of State of Uganda . Therefore , the Uganda State is a Subordinate State to the British State in International Politics , with Restricted Capacity for Foreign Actions on its own .
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 7 . The Diplomatic advantage of this for Britain is that no other Sovereign State of the World has Rights to deal with Uganda directly without the British O . K , PERMISSION , or CONCURRENCE . And , therefore , this Authorises Britain to organise the Affairs of Uganda in the way that suits best the British National Interests . In this Respect , the Diplomatic control of the Ugandan Affairs , also , gives Rise and Rights to the British to determine the issues of Leadership for Uganda , either by the British choosing the Person to be Leader , or by deciding the kind of Personality who is to be the Head of Government , that is to say the President of Uganda . . And , this means that the Ugandan Leader or President selected by Britain must protect the British Interests in Uganda and owe Allegiance to the Monarch ( i .e King or Queen ) of England as the Sovereign Chief / Head of State of State of Uganda , on the one hand , and to the Governor of the Anlican Church of Uganda , on the other hand . Here , it must be emphasised that the Sovereign Chief / Head of State of Uganda and the Governor of the Anglican Church of Uganda is the Monarch of England .
7 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 8 The Cultural advantage for Britain is that the Training of the Attitude and Mentor and of its Authorities mst be controlled through the Socio - Cultural traits : The British Language , Religion , some Small favours or Considerations , like , Scholarships and Bursaries , etc --- So the English has become an Instrument for controlling the " Thinking Mind / Mentor " of the peoples of Uganda and Lado and it is this what is called in Uganda . No wonder NO WONDER WHEN THE COUNCIL OF STATE / SUPREME COUNCIL OF STATE / SCS OF UGANDA WAS FORMED IN THE PERIOD OF GENERAL IDI AMIN ADMINISTRATION FROM 1971 TO REPLACE TO REPLACE THE BRITISH SOVEREIGNITY OVER UGANDA , BRITAIN HAD TO DO ONE THING ONLY , THAT WAS AND TO REMOVE IDI AMIN AND HIS ADMINISTRATION FROM UGANDA . THIS IS THE TRUE REASON OF THE WAR ( 1978 / 79 ) AGAINST THE SUDANICS OF EAST NILE / UGANDA FOR BRITAIN TO REINSTATE HER SOVEREIGNITY OVER UGANDA AND TO KEEP LADO STATE UNDER HER CONTROLL BY FORCE .
7 . 2 . 1 . 2 Strategic .
7 . 2 . 1 . 2 . 1 . Uganda and Lado are in a very Strategic position in East Africa for Military purposes , on the one hand , and for the control of the Nile Valley and the Nile Headwaters from Kagera and Lake Nalubale / the so called Lake Victoria in British Language , on the other hand . It was because of these that the events of the period 1880 - 1920 took place between the Britsh and the Lado people ( the Sudanics ) .
7 . 2 . 1 . 2 . 2 The Strategic importance of the Nile Valley for the British was that its control would serve to protect the Sea route through the Indian Ocean to the British trade interests in the Near East and Far East .
7 . 2 . 1 . 2 . 3 At the same time , Uganda and Lado are seen by the British to offer a favourable ground for Military Training , and for the Stationing of British Soldiers for rapid deployment for operations around these Regions where British interests might be in danger and / or might need to be protected . The issue here then in short of a Military ground and logistics convinience for Military operations .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 Economics
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 1 . Uganda and Lado are rich . The land is fertile , the climate excellent with regolar and sufficient rains falling . The British have Vested Economic interests there .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 2 . The main British Economic in Uganda and Lado are the raw materials which are of two types :
a / - Agricultural Products - Coffee , Cotton , Tobacco , Tea , Sugar , etc ---
b / - Mineral Resources - Copper , Tin , Gold , Petroleum , Cement , Asbestors etc -----
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 3 . The avalaibility in Uganda and Lado of rich Land , plenty of water , energy resources such as waterfalls for hydo- electricity , petroleum , solar energy and bio - gas energy , and forests resources for both energy and constructions of different types inclulding buildings made it impossible for the British to leave the peoples of Uganda and Lado on their own .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 4 The Key to the British Economic interests in Uganda and Lado is the control of the Uganda / Lado Monetary and Fiscal Affairs , or Monetary System , so that the Forign Trade of Uganda and Lado is controlled by Britain ..This means that the Independence of Uganda and Lado in International Trade is controlled by Britain .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 5 By controlling the Monetary and Fiscal Affairs of Uganda and Lado , Britain succeeded to controll the free develoment of the National Reserve Fund Buildings , on the one hand , and the Foreign Trade Expansion of Uganda and Lado, on the other hand . The British Economic Interests in Uganda and Lado are protected in this way .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 6 . Hence forcing Uganda and Lado and their peoples to produce what Britain decides to be produced and how much of it to be produced . Through Uganda / Lado ' s Membership to the British Commonwealth Orgaisation , Britain is assured of all the agricultural and mineral resources of Uganda and Lado for her own , British National industries in the U . K . and in other Countries .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 7 . There is a cheap Labour force avalaible in Uganda and Lado to use to produce the agricultural and mineral raw materials needed for transfer to Britain . In otherwards in the Minds of the British , there is avalaible in Uganda and Lado a multitude of Respectable Slaves to be Exploited for the profit of the British people .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 8 Consequently , neither our agricultural resources , mineral resources , Labour resources , nor our waters , trees , and mountains are to be surrendered to the British people . On top of this , the same British turn around to insult us on this planet that they call the Earth " We do not know anything in the part of Africa . " .
7 . 2 . 1 . 3 . 9 . In the end the only advantage from the Memmership to be part of Commonwealth Organisation is the Broad Day - Light Robbery of our Natural and Human Resources for the British people to enjoy ., while our own people are left to die every day of Hunger , Poverty , Diseases . In this way , our own people are converted into a Community of Assisted men
7 . 2 . 1 . 4 Cmmercial
7 . 2 . 1 . 4 . 1 . Britain does everything to control Uganda and Lado to protect the MARKETS for the British products and for the empolyment of the British people .
7 . 2 . 1 . 4 . 2 Uganda and Lado are a favourable market for the British manufactured goods . This is known as a GOODS MARKET .
7 . 2 . 1 . 4 . 3 . With its excellent climate , Uganda and Lado are converted by the British people as a Land to live in . Thus Uganda and Lado are a favourable Labour Market for the empolyment of the British people to work in .
7 . 2 . 1 . 4 . 4 Uganda and Lado are in addition a favourable Service Market for the Services rendered by the British professionals of all grounds and walks of life : - Lwyers , Bankers , Traders , Importers , Accountants , Physicians , Dentits , Nurses , Teachers , Engineers , Tour Operators , etc -------
7 . 3 . 1 To protect her Diplomatic and Cultural , Strategic , Economic , and Commercial interests in Uganda and Lado , Britain is always involved in all sorts of manipulations to control the Affairs of Uganda and Lado . The invasion of Uganda and Lado in 1978 / 79 by an International force of about 250 , 000 African and Non - African Soldiers operating from the soil of Tanzania was the result of those manipulations by Britain .
7 . 3 . 2 . The Invasion was organised and conducted from the soil of Tanzania because its Head of Government , President Julius Nyerere , was an Obedient Child of the British Commonwealth family , obeying the orders of the British Commonwealth family , Her Majesty the Queen of England .
7 . 3 . 3 By putting all the rsources of his Country at the disposal of Foreign Interests to attack Uganda and Lado , a negbouring African Country , Julius Nyerere , who took pride and always believed in being a Socialist Man and President , acted as an embodiment of the collusion between Imperialism and Socialism . And , he still claimed to be the Father of Africa . Where on earth does a Father sell his own Children to the others as Slaves ?
8 . 1 . The overall view of the Sudanic people of Lado and through the voice of the Sudanic Refugee Orgainisation and the Government in Exile of the State Kingdom of Lado and seen the events going on in Uganda and Lado since the invasion of Uganda and Lado in 1978 / 79 whereby large - scale killings of the trained manpwer of Uganda and Lado and whereby the peasants were also being killed and with the destruction of schools , hospitals , farmlands and crops , Uganda and Lado were being reduced to wretched dependence and mediocrty on this earth . In fact , since the overthrow of Idi Amin and his Regime , the Uganda Shillings got devalued from S hs . 7 / = to one U. S . dollar to Sh s . 2 , 500 / = to one U . S dollar in the International Money markets by the end of November 1985 . But , still today the devalution figures are tremendously astronomic . In this way , the agricultural and mineral products of Uganda today are being taken away free of charge by the Foreign Interests for whom President Julius Nyerere invaded Uganda and Lado .. This is a Broad Day - Light Robbery of the Resources of Uganda and Lado . Mr . Julius Nyerere was used as a Respectable African Head in this unprecedente bloodshed in Uganda . Poverty and Human misery have reached proportions never known of before in the History of Uganda and Lado . Today the peoples of Uganda and Lado ARE BEING ENSLAVED on their own soils to produce cheap agricultural goods for the British industries in the U . K and elsewhere . And , Uganda and Lado have become a dumbing site for the British Goods , Services , and Personnel . And yet , if Julius Nyerere had been a True African , and a True African Leader , he would have understood that his own offspring and his country had and would have everything to gain from a Uganda that was and is free than from a Uganda THAT IS AS BEGGARLY AS TANZANIA AND DEPEDENT .
8 . 1 . 1 . It is clearly therefore to note that since from the war which started from 1978 / 79 on the Sudanic people , the war is in its protracted form : in Political , Diplomatic and Military still . The Sudanics therefore are still in the war against them till today . In the Diplomatic manner the Brtish Agents and through their Country Allies are forcing on some Ladoan ( Sudanic People ) to sign now what they say and term it to be reconciliation Agreements with Ugandan Government . What is there to reconcile on ? What is that Crime the Sudanic People from West / Lado committed against Ugandans - East Nile / Uganda .now the The British Tricks are being well exposed now to Rule Lado through Uganda .
Posted by LADO to ugandan-community in canada at 8:49 AM Re. Artical Part recieve and I Forwarded. Very Interesting. all Doccumented. Bravo.
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